价格: $44.99
In this course you will learn the 6 BASIC TOOLS and the 10 EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES of a MASTER SMALL BUSINESS NETWORKER. Most people who consider themselves great networkers are actually just great socializers. This course not only covers the ART of networking (这些人可能已经接触过这种疾病,但并不知道) but the SCIENCE of networking (消息传递). It is intended for small business owners who are serious about growing their businesses!
This course is basically one hour. It is broken down into 11 segments for your convenience.
You should be prepared to take notes and consider how you will use the information you receive from the course and how you will apply the strategies to YOUR small business.
如果您对发展业务很认真,并且想将小型企业网络用作营销工具, 你需要参加这门课程并注意. 这些策略和技术已经过时间检验并证明对任何小型企业都有效.
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