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LinkedIn 技能评估答案和问题 – Adob​​e Lightroom

如果您正在寻找 LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions for Adobe Lightroom, 你来对地方了. 在这篇博文中, I will share with you some of the most common and useful questions and answers that can help you ace the test and showcase your skills.

Adobe Lightroom is a powerful and popular photo editing software that can enhance your images and make them stand out. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you can benefit from learning some tips and tricks to master this tool. Read on to find out how to pass the LinkedIn skill assessment for Adobe Lightroom and impress potential employers or clients.

第一季度. Suppose you see a color fringe around the edges of your subject. Which control is best for removing the fringe?

  • Color Noise Reduction
  • Remove Chromatic Aberration
  • Split Toning
  • Enable Profile Corrections

Q2. If you want to apply the same editing from one image to another, what should you use?

  • 元数据
  • Image settings
  • Edit settings
  • Develop settings

注意: I just use synchronization. After digging into settings I was able only to discover Settings -> Copy settings.

Q3. Which module helps you create a printed photo album?

  • 网络
  • 打印
  • 图书馆

第四季度. Review the image shown. What does the exclamation point adjacent to the thumbnail imply?

Review the image shown. What does the exclamation point adjacent to the thumbnail imply?

  • The image has been edited in Photoshop.
  • The photo is marked as picked.
  • The photo needs at least one keyword.
  • A photo is missing and needs to be relocated.

参考 (adobe.com)

Q5. Adjusting the exposure of a raw file by -1 is the equivalent of doing what in the camera?

  • opening the aperture one f-stop
  • closing the aperture one f-stop
  • adjusting the ISO by +400
  • adjusting the ISO by -400

Q6. Review the image below. Which option lets you manually straighten a photo by drawing a vertical or horizontal line?

Review the image below. Which option lets you manually straighten a photo by drawing a vertical or horizontal line?

  • 一个
  • C
  • d

Q7. Suppose you want to migrate a selection of images to another machine. How can you create a new catalog that contains a copy of all the images?

  • Use the Export as Catalog command.
  • When you back up the catalog, the images are backed up as well.
  • Use the Export command.
  • Use the Import from Another Catalog command.

参考 (adobe.com)

Q8. Which Spot Healing Brush mode replaces an imperfection with an exact copy of pixels from another area?

  • Patch mode
  • Screen mode
  • Healing mode
  • Clone mode

Q9. When reviewing images, what task can be accomplished using the number keys?

  • finding images
  • printing images
  • selecting images
  • applying ratings


  • 海伦·贝西

    你好, I'm Helena, 一位热衷于在教育领域发布有洞察力内容的博客作者. 我相信教育是个人和社会发展的关键, 我想与所有年龄和背景的学习者分享我的知识和经验. 在我的博客上, 您会找到有关学习策略等主题的文章, 在线教育, 职业指导, 和更多. 我也欢迎读者的反馈和建议, 所以请随时发表评论或联系我. 我希望您喜欢阅读我的博客并发现它有用且鼓舞人心.


关于 海伦·贝西

你好, I'm Helena, 一位热衷于在教育领域发布有洞察力内容的博客作者. 我相信教育是个人和社会发展的关键, 我想与所有年龄和背景的学习者分享我的知识和经验. 在我的博客上, 您会找到有关学习策略等主题的文章, 在线教育, 职业指导, 和更多. 我也欢迎读者的反馈和建议, 所以请随时发表评论或联系我. 我希望您喜欢阅读我的博客并发现它有用且鼓舞人心.