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英国牛津大学罗德奖学金 2024

牛津大学罗德奖学金 2024-25, 联合王国, 是一项享有盛誉的奖学金计划,向来自以下国家的国际学生开放: 22 国家. This scholarship offers an exceptional chance for students to pursue either a Master’s or PhD degree at the world-renowned University of Oxford, fully funded. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to study at one of the world’s leading institutions on a scholarship that covers all expenses.

About the Rhodes Scholarship

建立在 1902, the Rhodes Scholarship program is the oldest and most prestigious international scholarship initiative, enabling exceptional young individuals from across the globe to undertake their education at the University of Oxford. The Rhodes Scholarship not only provides financial support for postgraduate study at Oxford University but also actively promotes a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and fellowship.


牛津大学罗德奖学金 2024-25, 联合王国, is available to undertake Masters and PhD level programs at the University of Oxford. The scholarship program covers a wide range of subjects, 包括但不仅限于:

  • All Subjects

奖学金福利The Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University in the UK for the year 2024 are prestigious awards that provide full financial support for individuals pursuing a postgraduate degree at Oxford University. This fully funded scholarship covers all necessary expenses, ensuring that recipients can focus on their studies. The following components are included in the Rhodes Scholarship:

  1. Coverage of all University and College fees.
  2. Payment of the University application fee.
  3. Provision of a living stipend amounting to £16,218 per year.
  4. One economy class airfare to Oxford at the beginning of the scholarship.
  5. One economy class flight back to the student’s home country upon completion of the scholarship.

Eligible Nationalities

This scholarship is open to international students of all nationalities.


To meet the eligibility criteria for the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University in the UK, applicants must fulfil the following requirements:

  1. 国籍: Only students from the countries specified in the above country list are eligible for the Rhodes Scholarship.
  2. 年龄: Applicants must meet one of the age criteria specified by the Rhodes Scholarship.
  3. Academic Achievement: Applicants must have completed (or will complete by June/July 2024) an undergraduate degree with a First Class or a minimum GPA of 3.70 在......之外 4.0 (或同等学历).
  4. 英语语言能力: Applicants must possess a high level of proficiency in the English language, meeting the English language proficiency requirements specified at the Higher Level by the University of Oxford.

应用程序To apply for the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for the academic year 2024-25, applicants must use the Online Application System provided by the Rhodes Trust. The application process typically involves providing personal information, 学业成绩, and language proficiency test scores, as well as submitting essays and letters of recommendation.

关于 海伦·贝西

你好, I'm Helena, 一位热衷于在教育领域发布有洞察力内容的博客作者. 我相信教育是个人和社会发展的关键, 我想与所有年龄和背景的学习者分享我的知识和经验. 在我的博客上, 您会找到有关学习策略等主题的文章, 在线教育, 职业指导, 和更多. 我也欢迎读者的反馈和建议, 所以请随时发表评论或联系我. 我希望您喜欢阅读我的博客并发现它有用且鼓舞人心.
