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Elite-Sportstipendium der Cardiff Metropolitan University UK 2024

Die Elite Sports Scholarship Awards der Cardiff Metropolitan University 2024 presents a unique opportunity for international undergraduate and master’s students who excel in sports performance or coaching. This scholarship program offers up to £5,000 in tuition fee discounts and access to top-notch facilities to support the educational journey of talented individuals.

About Cardiff Metropolitan University

Cardiff Metropolitan University is a renowned institution in the UK, offering educational excellence to international students. This scholarship program is designed to provide a partial financial boost and access to outstanding facilities for talented individuals who demonstrate exceptional prowess in sports performance or coaching.

Scholarship Overview

The Performance and Elite Sport Scholarships for 2024-2025 at Cardiff Metropolitan University are now open for applications. These scholarships aim to provide up to £5,000 in tuition fee discounts and access to first-rate facilities to aid the educational journey of talented individuals.

Elite Sport Scholar Award Details

The Elite Sport Scholar Award is designed for undergraduate, postgraduate, and international students who display exceptional talent in sports performance or coaching. The selection process considers both academic merit and sporting achievements.

Study Levels, Institution, and Opportunity Areas

  • Study Levels: Student, Masters
  • Institution: Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Study Location: Vereinigtes Königreich
  • Opportunity Areas: All courses offered at Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Scholarship Period: Varies based on the chosen degree
  • Anzahl der Stipendien: 32
  • Bewerbungsschluss: Juni 30, 2024

Vorteile eines StipendiumsThe Elite Sport Scholar Award offers selected recipients:

  • Up to £5,000 off their program’s tuition fees
  • Access to top-notch facilities
  • Support in strength and conditioning from UKSCA-accredited staff
  • Various sports science resources covering nutrition, Psychologie, Physiologie, biomechanics
  • Support in sports medicine, including physiotherapy massage
  • Engaging in yoga and recovery sessions
  • Participation in performance workshops

Eligible Nationalities

International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.


To qualify for this award, athletes must:

  • Study or be set to commence studies at Cardiff Metropolitan University (in any course)
  • Compete in a recognized British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) Disziplin, contributing to the university’s BUCS objectives
  • Be competing at an international level or working towards the highest level in their sport (z.B., national/international/professional)
  • Obtain recommendations from their National Governing Body (NGB) coach or the university’s coach in their sport
  • Commit to representing Cardiff Met in BUCS competitions and actively engage in promotion and marketing activities for the School of Sports and Health Science

Application ProcedureTo apply for the Elite Sport Scholar Award, folge diesen Schritten:

  1. Complete the application form available here.
  2. Submit the form to the Head of Performance Sport along with evidence of performance standards and coach contact details for a recommendation.

For further details and application procedures for the Elite Sport Scholar Award, please visit the official Cardiff Metropolitan University website.

Über Helen Bassey

Hi, I'm Helena, ein Blog-Autor, dessen Leidenschaft es ist, aufschlussreiche Inhalte im Bildungsbereich zu veröffentlichen. Ich glaube, dass Bildung der Schlüssel zur persönlichen und sozialen Entwicklung ist, und ich möchte mein Wissen und meine Erfahrung mit Lernenden jeden Alters und jeder Herkunft teilen. Auf meinem Blog, finden Sie Artikel zu Themen wie Lernstrategien, Online-Bildung, Berufsberatung, und mehr. Ich freue mich auch über Rückmeldungen und Anregungen meiner Leser, Hinterlassen Sie also jederzeit einen Kommentar oder kontaktieren Sie mich. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen meines Blogs und hoffe, dass Sie ihn nützlich und inspirierend finden.

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