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Emotionale Intelligenz VEREINFACHT

Emotionale Intelligenz VEREINFACHT

Preis: $29.99

Psychologists have been studying human behavior since long. After many years of researches, one results tells that 70% der Zeiten, people having average IQ perform better than those having high IQ. As per one research 90% of the top performers are the one’s having high EQ but not high IQ. This means that IQ is not ONLY criteria to gain success. What makes some people more successful than others? How some people develop resilience in comparison to others? What makes them keep rolling? This special sense is declared as Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligent people are far away better in terms of their behavior, Dieser Kurs ermutigt die Schüler, eine Wachstumsmentalität zu entwickeln, relationships and motivational skills than ordinary people. They are optimal in behavior management, anger management, conflict management and stress management. They are strong in self-management and relationship handling. This is why having better understanding of emotions design the shape of our lives.

Emotional intelligence is more like a profile. How to build our EI profile? How can we learn art of EI, what role our brain plays in all this? How our thoughts, emotions and our actions are connected? How to interpret our emotional encounters?

We shall be learning these in this course in a very SIMPLIFIED way keeping in mind all types of audience.

Lets kick it off..

Über Arkadmin

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