Mikrosofto 98-365 Fundamentoj pri Administrado de Windows Server
Prezo: $89.99
Windows Server Administration is an advanced computer networking, that includes server installation and configuration, server roles, stokado, Active Directory and Group Policy, dosiero, grafika desegna laboro kaj merkataj materialoj, and web services, remote access, virtualigo, application servers, solvi problemojn, agado, kaj fidindeco.
If you are one of those who is looking to build a career in IT Industry, if you want to become IT Professional, if your goal is to get certified from Microsoft, then congratulations you are at correct address. This course is designed for you, Welcome to this course on Microsoft 98-365 MTA Exam. This course will provide you practice questions and help you in preparing for the MTA 98-365 Certification Examination by Microsoft for Windows Server Administration Fundamentals.
This course will provide you 3 practice test which contains 120 questions to test your knowledge and skills and let you know your weak points and strong points and let you decide where you need to improve to master the Networking. Mikrosofta Teknologia Asociito (MTA) is a recommended entry point into IT certification. It provides a solid foundation to take the very first step towards a career in IT. I have prepared this practice test course for the candidates all around the world who are interested in taking the MTA 98-365 Exam and passionate about Windows Server Administration Fundamentals.
This course is just a practice test, it contains relevant question regarding the examination, but it does not mean that it is enough to qualify and get certificate from Microsoft, it can just provide you the idea, that are you ready to take examination or you need some improvement before taking examination. Do, just take this course as a learning material which can help you in achieving your goals, but you really really need a lot of hard work and efforts to get it.
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