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50 Carrera & Consejos para el desarrollo personal: Bienvenido al nuevo tú!

50 Carrera & Consejos para el desarrollo personal: Bienvenido al nuevo tú!

Precio: $49.99

** Chris is the author of the #1 best selling business course on Udemy calledAn Entire MBA in 1 Course.” **

This course was profiled in Business Insider who said that “Professor Chris Haroun’s online course, llamado “50 Carrera & Consejos para el desarrollo personal,” provides insightful guidance for problems many professionals will face over the course of their careers — like feeling burned out or struggling to secure that sought-after promotion — but you’ll also learn basic skills you can apply to your personal life, such as how to overcome criticism and stress.”

You will be a different person by the time you finish this course. This course will help you to focus on what are the most important goals for you to achieve in life. No hay límites in life, except for the limits that we place on ourselves; “whether or not you think you can achieve something, you’re right : )

This course contains the best career and non-career advice I have compiled in my life, including the wisdom of the Dalai Lama and many successful businesspeople that ALSO had a very successful personal and family life. Otra vez, you will be a different person by the time you finish this course. Gracias.

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