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Cost Management in Azure

Cost Management in Azure

Precio: $29.99

Welcome to the Skylines Academy Cost Management in Azure course by Travis Roberts!

This course is for anyone getting started with Azure Cost Management. The audience includes Azure Administrators, IT and cloud management, or any group that needs to monitor and analyze Azure spending.

Descripción del curso:

Moving to Azure? Concerned about keeping track of costs? Moving to the cloud is filled with stories of cost overages and surprise bills. En este curso, we use native Azure tools to keep track of an organization’s Azure spend. We view real time and historical cost data, review cost forecasting, and set alerts on monthly charges to prevent unexpected overages.

This course will use a lab tenant for the examples in the demonstrations. The audience will be able to:

  • View and categorize spending by resource type, ubicación, resource group and tags.

  • Set a budget and budgets alerts on a subscription.

  • Manage Azure Cost access with Role Based Access Control.

  • Use Azure Migrate to predict costs associated with moving servers to Azure.

  • Reduce Azure costs by implementing Azure Advisor recommendations.

Usando el enfoque de Skylines Academy, conferencias serán educar you on the fundamental terms and principles of saving costs in Azure, y demostraciones permitir usted con una experiencia práctica en el uso de escenarios para autorizar tu en el mundo real.

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