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Sobresalir 2016 (MO-201 MOS Expert Excel) 77-727 Examen

Sobresalir 2016 (MO-201 MOS Expert Excel) 77-727 Examen

Precio: $79.99

The course will prepare you for the MOS Excel 77-727 exam by taking you through all of the major skills required. You will also be able to complete a mock MOS Excel exam. These tutorials will get straight to what you need to know for your upcoming exam, no fluff just the skills that are relevant to helping you pass the exam with confidence. The course will cover managing Excel worksheet and workbooks, formatting worksheets, Excel chart and images, Excel functions, fórmulas, and operations, and lastly, Excel tables. The best part? You will be given a practice test to download to see if you are ready! Buena suerte!

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