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Cómo conectarse con confianza y construir una red de calidad

Cómo conectarse con confianza y construir una red de calidad

Precio: $89.99

It is said that your Network = your Networth. Do you want to know how to connect with the right people in this DIGITAL WORLD we live in, so that you can be profitable in your business or be successful in your career?

The Connect with Confidence Program will help you do that over 9 Sesiones!

During the program you will master the following topics:

  • Preparing Yourself Mentally

  • Making a Positive First Impression

  • Mastering the Art of Conversation

  • Using the Science of Body Language

  • Using Humour to Best Effect

  • Broadening your Horizons

  • Taking Acquaintances to the Next Level

  • Boundaries and Bottom Lines

No busque más! This is the ultimate course that will set you up for success through a new level of confidence and greatly enhanced set of people skills.

Imagine how it would feel to be so confident that you can connect with anyone easily.

If you’ve ever felt lost and hopeless I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you.

En solo 9 sessions you will be able to:

  • Break the ice whenever you meet someone new.

  • Never run out of things to say at a networking or other event.

  • Become the kind of person that other people want to be around.

  • Transition from being a casual acquaintance to being a trusted connection.

  • Establish a winner’s mindset that will keep you feeling positive and confident.

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