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How to Learn any Skill Quickly and Effectively

How to Learn any Skill Quickly and Effectively

Precio: $94.99




In this class, you’re going to learn How you can learn any skill very quickly and effectively!

Después de tomar este curso, you will be able to pick a skill and learn it in record time!

What is that one skill that would help you to feel more capable and confident as well as make you progress in your career or in your personal projects?

Can you name a few things that spike your curiosity? Maybe it’s photography, edición de video, márketing, Principio de entidad económica, guitar?

Recuerda: everything is trainable! You can learn anything you set your mind too! And when you use the right method, you can learn any skill in a short period of time.

The method I’m teaching is used by world-class performers and mentors, such as Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins, Ramon Campayo, James Altucher, Josh Waitzkin, Josh Kaufman, y muchos otros!

I’m sure you remember the frustration you felt when you tried to learn new skills. It felt so difficult to make any progress! And I bet you gave up on learning some of those skills because you didn’t have the right strategies. Asi que, you ended up unmotivated and stuck! And that’s going to continue to happen throughout your life if you don’t do anything about it.

I felt the same way too… I gave up Spanish, japonés, Adobe After Effects, Piano, etc and many other skills because I didn’t have the right strategy to learn those skills. I learned how to edit videos, but it took me years to really get the foundation of it when in reality, it could take me only a few months or even weeks.

After years of struggling, I decided to do something about it! I searched for books, publicaciones de blog, and online courses in order to find the best practices to learn a new skill among the best performers in the world. After trying all of those practices myself, I found that learning a skill can be very enjoyable, exciting and challenging, but only when you use the right method. And I really want you to feel the same way about it.

Asi que, I included everything you need in order to Learn a New Skill Quickly and Effectively!

Here’s what you will get:

  • What skills should you actually be learning?

  • los 3 Stages of Learning any Skill

  • How to Learn any Skill in 4 Aprenderá Maven utilizando un enfoque paso a paso con

  • How to make progress quickly

  • How to Deconstruct a skill

  • You’ll get a detailed map and an effective process to learn any skill, en cualquier momento

  • Case studies of learning different skills

  • How to apply the 80/20 Principle to Learn a New Skill

  • Major Principles on Learning a New Skill

  • How to Master any skill: One step further

  • How to enter the Flow State

  • How to build the habit of practicing a skill every day

  • How to Focus Intensively

  • How to Design a Morning Routine

  • What to do when you lose motivation?

  • How to Commit

  • How to be really Productive when Learning a new Skill

  • How to create a Recipe to Learn a New Skill

  • How to Read, Retain and Apply the most important information in Books!

  • Resources that help you learn any skill

  • How to use a Journal to Develop Yourself

  • How to use a Journal to learn new skills

  • Constant Updates on the course!

Don’t postpone decisions that will have a great impact on your life. Learning that skill might be one of those decisions that will improve your life right now. Commit yourself to learn something new and take this class to find how you can do it in an effective way! Don’t waste your valuable time trying to learn a skill by cramming and doing things that won’t make you progress.

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