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PCI DSS Compliance : The A-Z™ Information Security Course

PCI DSS Compliance : The A-Z™ Information Security Course

Precio: $89.99

The perfect course to get started with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. A detailed understanding of each of the sub-requirements and how they will be assessed is essential for PCI DSS compliance.

It doesn’t matter whether you know payment card industry data security standard or you are a security professional, this course will help you to understand the protection of payments in a very effective and simple way! We have tried to explain all the requirements and topics in a very simple way so that you don’t have to memorize. We are pretty sure that this is the perfect course for you to get started in the payments security industry.

primero, you will understand the basics of payment cards.

Tópicos cubiertos:

  • Why Protecting Payments is important?

  • What is a Payment Card

  • How does a Card Transaction work?

  • Payment Card Industry Standards

  • What is PCI DSS?

  • Overview of 12 Requirements for PCI DSS

  • Who must comply with PCI?

  • History of PCI DSS

  • Maintaining a Secure Network System

  • Protecting Card Holder Data

  • Maintaining a Vulnerability Management Program

  • Access Control Measures

  • Monitoring and Testing Networks

  • Maintaining an Information Security Policy

Since its formation, PCI DSS has gone through several iterations in order to keep up with changes to the online threat landscape. While the basic rules for compliance have remained constant, new requirements are periodically added.

This course is a must for every computer user of an organization. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. Este será un paso importante en su carrera. and if you still have doubts you should know I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee no questions asked so what are you waiting for?

Únase y lleve su carrera al siguiente nivel aprendiendo seguridad de la información hoy. te veo en el curso!

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