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PowerPoint “Hacer una presentación profesional”

PowerPoint “Hacer una presentación profesional”

Precio: $94.99

How To Create A Professional Presentation

Nota: The testimonials are taken from my other courseLet Me Google That For You

This course is an attempt to increase your Visual Literacy, at the end of this course you will be able to create a professional presentation , where you will be able to design a professionally sound PowerPoint Presentation , this course is meant for students who know how to create a basic PowerPoint presentation , but they need more tips and techniques to reach mastery, during this course I will show you many ideas ,and give you tips how to make your presentation look like it was created by a professional ,how it will capture the attention of your audience by covering the following topics :

  1. Why Do We Use PowerPoint ?

  2. Planificación

  3. Consistency

  4. Font

  5. KIS (Keep IT Simple)

  6. Liza

  7. Contrast

  8. Fotos , Sounds ,and Transitions

  9. Tips and Graphs

  10. Resumen

  11. Evaluación

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