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Uñas esculpidas de “UNA” a “CON”. Tecnología acrílica.

Uñas esculpidas de “UNA” a “CON”. Tecnología acrílica.

Precio: $124.99

If you want to quickly learn the perfect technique of sculptured nails in acrylic technology – Este curso es para usted. Después de completar el curso, you will have knowledge on how to properly prepare natural nails for modeling, how to quickly and correctly fit the form, learn the technique of applying the product for one tone and French sculptured, and learn how to create high-quality, thin, natural looking artificial nails using acrylic polymer. You will learn all the secrets of creating a solid architecture, as well as the chemistry of productshow to make acryliclisten” para ti. This course will cover the subject of the nail one tone and from classic to avant-garde in the style of French manicure, as well as learning the correct and fast technique of filing, and the nuances of completing work with acrylic technology. Al final del curso, you can easily sculpture perfect nails in different forms: square, almond, stiletto, pipe, borde, bridget, Estas tácticas son parte integral del atractivo del deporte.. Only here, on this course “Uñas esculpidas de “UNA” a “CON”. Tecnología acrílica”, you will acquire a huge store of knowledge that will help to make your life better now! Start your training! Be a successful nail stylist!

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