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Aprendizaje de superpoderes – Técnicas para el Dominio del Aprendizaje.

Aprendizaje de superpoderes – Técnicas para el Dominio del Aprendizaje.

Precio: $94.99

Do you want to ace exams, learn a language or even a new motor skill? You will learn proven techniques that have enabled people to gain mastery in learning.

Learn the methods and master the skills necessary for effective and powerful learning.

You will study:

  • Memory Techniques
  • Preparación para el examen
  • Language learning
  • Motor skills
  • neurociencia
  • Strategies for successful learning and
  • How we learn.

These skills and strategies will change the way you learn

We will look at memory and learning techniques that have helped people learn from thousands of years ago to recent research that illustrate the most effective ways in which we learn. You will practice these techniques and master your preferred methods.

With this course you will remember things more easily, improve your exam grades and learn languages more effectively. You will even be able to hone your motor skills and will gain an insight into how the way your brain and body interacts to help you to learn.

Contenido y descripción general

We begin with learning and memory techniques that you will find really useful if you want to improve your recall of lists and even more complex things such as processes, interlinked ideas and more. We’ll explore a wide range of methods that have been used from Roman times and to recent memory championships.

If you are preparing for exams then there is a dedicated section just for you. You’ll get guidance that I have built up over twenty five years of preparing students for exams and marking them for ten. The simple and straightforward advice will raise your exam preparation to the next level.

There is practical advice on how best approach language learning and you’ll find yourself boosting your vocabulary and speaking more, y más, like a native.

Motor skills acquisition is often overlooked in academic institutions but I know that we are capable of doing what many consider impossible. This section will give you the toolbox that will smooth your progress in learning a new skill and may even get you addicted to the learning process.

For those who like to ‘read the manual’ I have included an introduction to the neuroscience of learning. This section will help you understand how we actually learn and why we do what we do. There is advice to fine tune your nervous system to get the best out of yourself.

If you find it hard to keep your focus and struggle with motivation, then there is a section with more top techniques that will have you banish those negative thoughts and emotions that trip you up.

Finally you will learn about how we actually learn and how learning is categorised. This completes a comprehensive study on learning and how to become a super learner.

Good luck with the course!

Acerca de arkadmin

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