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La ciencia de la productividad

La ciencia de la productividad

Precio: $94.99

In this course you will learn the science of productivity. Whether you want to become more productive or help your team be more productive, this course gives you practical tips on how to increase productivity that are based on the latest brain and behavioral science.

Some examples of what’s in the course:

  • What the science really says about multitasking

  • The different kinds of procrastination and how overcome them

  • Which habits help you be more productive and how you can create new habits

  • How to change the self-story of someone who doesn’t think they are productive

  • The science of why working in a team can help people be more productive

  • How to encourage yourself or others to want to learn and grow more

  • The truth about using rewards to increase productivity

  • How to work with, instead of against, your own circadian and other rhythms of work

You have unlimited access to all the lessons 24 horas al día, for as long as you want or need them, so you can take the course at your own pace and go back to review any materials any time you want. All of our courses have quizzes, as well as exercises that you can send in for feedback from Dr. Susan Weinschenk.

Learn how to increase your own and/or your team’s productivity. Click the Buy Now button at the top of this page and get started right away.

If you have any questions please email us at:

Terminado 50,000 students have taken our online courses.

This course is for Managers, Team leaders, Marketing professionals, Vendedores, Maestros, and anyone who needs to understand the what, cómo, and why of being more productive.

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