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Análisis de series de tiempo Proyectos del mundo real en Python

Análisis de series de tiempo Proyectos del mundo real en Python

Precio: $19.99

Are you looking to land a top-paying job in Data Science , AI & Time Series Analysis & Previsión?

Or are you a seasoned AI practitioner who want to take your career to the next level?

Or are you an aspiring data scientist who wants to get Hands-on Data Science and Time Series Analysis?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, entonces este curso es para ti!

This course will teach you the practical skills that would allow you to land a job as a quantitative financial analyst, a data analyst or a data scientist.

In business, Ciencia de los datos , AI is applied to optimize business processes, maximize revenue and reduce cost. The purpose of this course is to provide you with knowledge of key aspects of data science & Time Series applications in business in a practical, easy and fun way. The course provides students with practical hands-on experience using real-world datasets.

Welcome to the best online resource for learning how to use the Python programming Language for Time Series Analysis!

This course will teach you everything you need to know to use Python for forecasting time series data to predict new future data points.

1.Task #1 @Predicting the Temperature : Develop an Time Series model to predict Temperature..

3.Task #2 @Predict Covid-19 Cases: Develop Time Series Model using Prophet that can predict Covid-19 cases

2.Task #3 @Predict the Stock Prices: Predict the prices of stock using Time Series Algorithms.

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