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Becas de posgrado en ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial de la Universidad de Greenwich, Reino Unido 2024

The University of Greenwich is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science fields. Lograr esto, they are offering scholarships for the MSc in Data Science and its Applications program in the 2024 año académico. Here are the key details:
Scholarship Value:
Each scholarship provides financial support in the form of either a £10,000 cash bursary or a fee waiver. These funds aim to help students from underrepresented backgrounds successfully complete their studies and enter the AI and Data Science workforce. Part-time students will receive a pro-rata amount of this scholarship.
Total Scholarships Available:
Un total de 30 scholarships are available for the 2024 año académico.
Elegibilidad: These scholarships are open to two groups of students:

  1. New applicants to the University of Greenwich who intend to study the MSc in Data Science and its Applications.
  2. Current or former undergraduate students at the University of Greenwich who are pursuing the same MSc program.

Priority Groups:

Priority for scholarship funding will be given to students who belong to underrepresented groups. This includes female students, black students, disabled students, and individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The aim is to promote diversity within the AI and data science workforce.
Proceso de solicitud:
To be considered for these scholarships, eligible students must complete their application for the MSc in Data Science and its Applications and provide a personal statement. In the personal statement, students should explain their eligibility, reasons for applying to the course and scholarship, and how the scholarship will benefit their academic and career aspirations.
The goal of these scholarships is to support students from underrepresented backgrounds in pursuing their studies in data science and AI, ultimately contributing to a more diverse and inclusive AI and data science workforce.
Don’t miss this opportunity to pursue your postgraduate studies in Data Science and its Applications with financial support from the University of Greenwich. Apply for the scholarship and take the first step towards an enriching academic journey in the UK.

Acerca de Helen Bassey

Hola, I'm Helena, un escritor de blogs apasionado por publicar contenidos interesantes en el nicho de la educación. Creo que la educación es la clave para el desarrollo personal y social., y quiero compartir mi conocimiento y experiencia con estudiantes de todas las edades y orígenes.. en mi blog, Encontrarás artículos sobre temas como estrategias de aprendizaje., educación en línea, orientación profesional, y más. También agradezco comentarios y sugerencias de mis lectores., Así que no dudes en dejar un comentario o contactarme en cualquier momento.. Espero que disfrutes leyendo mi blog y lo encuentres útil e inspirador..

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