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Work from Home – Work Life Balance and Time Management

Work from HomeWork Life Balance and Time Management

Precio: $109.99

Do you work from home?

Have you recently had to start working from home due to coronavirus quarantine?

Are you an entrepreneur, with the ultimate freedom of being your own bossbut you realize you aren’t the best at managing your stress or your time?

Whether you’re a business owner, independent contractor, at-home parent, telecommuter, or you’re coping with coronavirus quarantine (COVID-19) we know you need:

  • More balance and less stress

  • More time management and less burnout

  • More boundaries and less wasted time

The idea to “trabajar desde casa” or be self-employed sounds fantastic! And it is (or can be)… pero…

The illusion of freedom quickly fades and our personal lives, our productivity, and our family and friends sufferwe get out of balance. We end up feeling stressed out, burnt out and overwhelmed. But there is hope!

In a decade working from home and being self-employed (working as a husband-and-wife entrepreneur team), we have learned the hard way how NOT to manage our work and personal lives while working from home.

We have also coached and trained thousands of entrepreneurs, at-home-parents and work from home dreamers (and now coronavirus quarantiners) how to find work life balance while working from home.

The course will cover:

  • 10 Tools for Balance, Burnout and Boundaries

  • 10 Tools for Time Management and Planning

  • 10 Tools for Productivity and Efficiency

  • 10 Tools for Combating Stress

  • Y 5 Tools for Balance through Deliberate Creation

This course doesn’t just give you a list of ideas that sound great but that you’ll quickly forget and go about your old habits and unproductive ways… we provide engaging lectures that are very real and to the point with some humor to bring some joy to your day! Más, every lecture includes a proven, practical tools in a downloadable worksheet that will help you put on paper what you are going to do to take back control of your life and your freedom.

In this course we are going to give you everything we have learned and live—and we’re going to do it in a quick-and-easy format so even the most time-crunched business owner or household juggler or stir-crazy quarantined person can commit to themselves and create the balanced and fulfilling business they’ve always wanted!

Asi que, are you ready to have more balance in your life? Si es así Enlístate ahora, we look forward to seeing you in the course!

Garantizar: We know you will love this course. sin embargo, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.


Certificación de Entrenador Espiritual. Certificación de Entrenador Espiritual 300,000+ Certificación de Entrenador Espiritual 195 países.

Certificación de Entrenador Espiritual.


Asi que, who are we?

We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psicología, and education, as well Joeel’s Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. tenemos más 300,000+ carrera basada en la libertad que deja una huella positiva en la vida de las personas como entrenador espiritual 195 países.

Emily Rivera también es una practicante certificada de Angel Healing y autora de Angels Guidance que ha dedicado su vida al servicio de compartir los mensajes., C ª. | Emily Rivera también es una practicante certificada de Angel Healing y autora de Angels Guidance que ha dedicado su vida al servicio de compartir los mensajes.

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