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5 Decision-Making Techniques for Success

5 Decision-Making Techniques for Success

Prix: $89.99

Ce cours, 5 Decision-Making Techniques, is part of a series which also includes Introduction to Problem-Solving and Decision-Making for Business. Et, is basically the part that completes the circle as it was originally designed in the more extended Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Strategies course

This course gives you the most effective and popular tools for decision-making:

  1. technique du groupe nominal
  2. technique de retour sur investissement
  3. technique de l'avocat du diable
  4. analyse plus-moins-intéressante et
  5. technique de facilité et d'effet.

The course You will have 2 hours of video content that includes examples and exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge. Everyone will benefit from the course, professionnels, business men and women, étudiants, or simply the curious ones.

It’s all about providing a practical framework for improvement and for creating positive habits in decision-making,This time by giving you the tools of techniques that you can use when appropriate to improve your decision-making effectiveness and achieve success.

I encourage you to include these tools in your decision-making practice and use them until they become a habit, one that will make your professional and personal life easier and more productive.

The course comes with a 30 days no question asked money back guarantee. Juste, vas-y, press thatTake the Course” bouton, and see you inside learning about the decision-making tools and techniques Or, if you are not yet decided, try the free preview and decide later.


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