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AI-100 Designing And Implement Azure AI Solution Exam Prep

AI-100 Designing And Implement Azure AI Solution Exam Prep

Prix: $99.99

  • Enjoy Learning Be certified AI-100 2021 Designing And Implement Azure AI Solution Associate use JAN2021

  • Obtenir 100% Latest Updated Practice Questions, Perfect Detailed Answers By IT Experts (Pass Guaranteed)

  • >>5 Practices Tests with 160+ Valid Questions<<

  • Best Achievements and success rate with latest 2021 mises à jour

  • Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise using cognitive services, apprentissage automatique, and knowledge mining to architect and implement Microsoft AI solutions involving natural language processing, discours, vision par ordinateur, and conversational AI.

  • Responsibilities for an Azure AI Engineer include analyzing requirements for AI solutions, recommending the appropriate tools and technologies, and designing and implementing AI solutions that meet scalability and performance requirements.

  • Azure AI Engineers translate the vision from solution architects and work with data scientists, ingénieurs de données, Spécialistes IdO, and software developers to build complete end-to-end solutions.

  • A candidate for this exam should have knowledge and experience designing and implementing AI apps and agents that use Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Service de bot Azure, Recherche cognitive Azure, et stockage de données dans Azure. en outre, a candidate should be able to recommend solutions that use open source technologies, understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options, and understand when a custom API should be developed to meet specific requirements.

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