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Affaires & Gestion de projet avec analyse et réflexion A3

Affaires & Gestion de projet avec analyse et réflexion A3

Prix: $19.99

Fun Facts !

Do you know that Toyota’s corporate structure consisted of 364,445 employés worldwide in 2017 et, as of October 2016, was the fifth-largest company in the world by revenue and also the world’s largest Tarification anticipée d'Oracle EBS manufacturer?

Wouldn’t it be great to learn something from this Giant corporation with marvellous organizational structure and implement the idea in your own industry and business?

A3 is a continuous improvement, structured and problem-solving approach employed by TOYOTA. The A3 approach is based on the principles of Edward Deming’s PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). It is named after the international paper size on which it fits. A3 refers to the standardized paper size of 11” x 17”. The format of the A3 report looks very much like templates created by U.S. companies in the 1980s and 1990s. Ford Motor Company created an 8.5-inch by 11-inch 8D Problem Solving template.

We will Study A3 Analysis in seven proven steps in this course:

Étape 1: Background Screening, Clarification of the problem-

Before starting any project, you must have a clear picture of ‘PROBLEM’ under discussion. You should feel what the problem actually is so that you save your valuable time and resources that would otherwise be wasted when beating around the bush !

Dans cette étape, we try to address the following questions-

· Why am I looking at this problem?

· What is the problem?

· Who is interested in the problem?

· What benefit does solving this problem have for me?

· How does it help to address the goals of the business?

Tools used at this stage-

1. Voice of the customer- Dans ce sujet, we will see study how we can address the customer’s need through Kano and other models and also, we will solve a sample problem .

2. Stakeholder Analysis- Dans ce sujet, we will be studying how to handle different types of stakeholders, how to know which of our business partners will be helpful to us in a long run and who will probably create a problem. You will also be guided to a sample case study using Minitab companion (also with setup and analysis guide).

3. Is/Is not Analysis-

In this tool you will be learning to avoid jumping to a false cause or reason while finding the root cause of the problem. Here too you will be guided for a Minitab download, setup and analysis guide for using Is/Is not Analysis.

Sample case studies we will be dealing-

Étude de cas 1: Kano model of a refrigerator. Determining which qualities to place on the item/machine so that there is a maximum customer satisfaction.

Étude de cas 2: Stakeholder analysis for a project of a company Bidur cosmo and pharmaceuticals which wants to introduce a new brand to launch targeting the niche that is already existing but still has potential of growth.

Étude de cas 3: Determining the root cause through IS/IS NOT analysis for a machine (cap sealing machine) that periodically possess problems during manufacture of a liquid product.

2. Current condition screening; Breakdown the problem

In this stage, we will be addressing with the following questions-

· What is the size of the problem?

· What data do I have?

· What are the component parts of this problem?

· How much will I address at this point?

Tools used at this stage-

SIPOC, process mapping, spaghetti mapping, collecte de données, run chart, diagramme à bandes, histogram, box plot (Ne t'inquiète pas, after explanation of the use of these tools, we will take a sample case study and you will be guided for a Minitab problem solving approaches for these problems.

Sample case studies we will be dealing in dealing in this stage-

Étude de cas 4: Process mapping of an industrial manufacturing process through minitab.

Étude de cas 5: Using SIPOC to determine which Supplier is good and which can be omitted for targeted good customers’ response.

Étude de cas 6: In a Quality Assurance check, rejections were obtained at different time intervals in a factory. Understanding the whole scenario with Run chart, Box-plots and control charts.

Étude de cas 7: Understanding the business and project management skills and improvements (before Vs. Après) of a particular process by using I chart.

3. Target condition/ Setting the Target.

In this stage, we will be dealing the following questions-

· What outcome do I want?

· Visualise the desired results.

· Using the data, set a measurable and realistic goal

4. Root cause and Gap analysis-

Dans cette section, we will be using various tools to identify the root cause of the problems. We will be learning through demo problem projects and when needed use Minitab.

Tools used in this stage-

· 5 whys

· cause and effects analysis

· regression & correlation

· process capability analysis


· Étude de cas 8: Understanding how the visit of customers can be increased in a particular stall of a trade fair through Fish and Bone Diagram understanding every causes for a low traffic.

· Étude de cas 9: Understanding the root cause of a low yield of a product on a particular batch with Fish Bone Diagram.

· Étude de cas 10: Using Cause and effect matrix to find the chief causes of Customer’s visit in a supermarket in order to increase the number of sales.

· Étude de cas 11: Using the Pareto diagram to understand the top 20% of things responsible for 80% of customers visit to a market.

· Étude de cas 12: Using co-relation coefficient to understand the relationship between gases and commodity.

· Étude de cas 13: Understanding the real scenario which factor is exactly responsible for generating the sales in the supermarket (male customers, female customers, discount corners, des offres, average takt time) with multiple regression.

· Étude de cas 14: Using regression to understand the relation between sales and advertisement.

· Étude de cas 15: Using Capability Index to show a progress before and after using lean six sigma project.

5. Develop countermeasures and Implementation plan

Dans cette section, we will be dealing with various counter measures. This is purely a brain storming session. We will use various tools for brainstorming.

6. Implementing the countermeasure plan

Out of all the brainstormed plans we will select the most practical and effective countermeasure and create a clear and detailed action plan.

In this stage we will be dealing with error proofing or POKA-YOKE methods and also do works that helps to improve the management of resources. We will be dealing with following tools:

· Save the system from future mistakes -mistake proofing

· Make improvement in the layout

· Make improvement in Process flow

· Make improvement in Standard Operating procedure

7. Effect confirmation/ Monitor the results and process

In this stage, we will be learning to monitor the progress and report the findings to the stakeholders and study with various case studies and tools-

Tools we will be learning at this stage- Run chart and control chart

Practical case studies that will be dealing in this project-

Étude de cas 16: Using run and control chart to understand the process progress of a manufacturing company.

8. Standardize the results and follow-up actions

In this stage we document the new process and set as new standard and start the next improvement process with a new subject.

· You will be learning creating an effective Standard Operating Procedures and Kaizen tools, Gannt chart and 30-60-90 action plan.

Practical case studies that will be dealing in this project-

Étude de cas 17: UNE 30-60-90 Action plan for launching a blog

Étude de cas 18: Transforming Plans in a Gantt Chart

Étude de cas 19: Live learning to make an improved SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) from an earlier version of a poorly maintained SOP taking all the ideas from A3 project.

Unique features of this course that you can count on-

· All quality, business and project management tools explained with theory, problem solving scenarios, case studies and simulated case studies, quiz, practice test along with minitab and excel tutorial to solve some problems.

· Unique problem solving scenarios

· Step by step guide of using software such as Minitab, companion and excel to solve lean quality problems and improve business and project management skills

· Case studies

· Quizzes as problem solving scenarios and a practice test.

· Many templates and practice data files to work with.


This course comes with Unconditional Udemy 30 garantie de remboursement de jour and that’s my personal promise to your success!

Please enroll into the course and let me take you to a tour of a completely new business and project management skills with this course

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