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Faire face à la politique de bureau & Personnes difficiles sur le lieu de travail

Faire face à la politique de bureau & Personnes difficiles sur le lieu de travail

Prix: $19.99

La description

This is a practical, hands-on learning training for professionals from every walks of life. It is designed to teach you how to avoid mishandling office politics and rather use if for your own benefit to progress and get promoted.

It would teach you tips and tricks how to use office politics for a smart work place practices.

It will help you navigate through the unspoken rules of the workplace so that you can achieve more. We have also treaded upon the science behind how human beings make decisions at their workplace.

It will inspire you and offer practical advice on how to work effectively with different kinds of people.

en outre, we have also identified and taught successful approaches on how to recognize difficult personalities in the workplace and tips on how to handle them.

Through this training you will learn the key strategies for bringing in a more productive work environment, learn the distinction between good and bad office politics, methods to create career boosting alliances, and practical communication skills required at every level in your workplace.

Ce que vous apprendrez?

  • Understand the difference between good and bad politics and how to use good office politics as a pathway for you to succeed, get promoted, or positively influence without harming others.

  • Understand the psychological drivers of how people make decision at workplace to build better relationships within an organization so that you can be an influencer and a change agent.

  • Identify difficult personalities at workplace and learn techniques how to handle them.

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