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Demolish Negative States Instantly – Collapse Anchors NLP

Demolish Negative States InstantlyCollapse Anchors NLP

Prix: $29.99

Collapse anchoring is a great technique for eliminating minor negative states.

Can you imagine if you could get rid of that nagging irritation that is constantly there?
Imagine if frustration was a thing of the past !

Everybody has experienced these minor negative states before, and in varying contexts.
Collapse anchoring is the technique for getting rid of them once and for all.

Dans ce cours, expert NLP trainer Matt Barnett describes the process of collapse anchoring a fabulous and powerful technique for eliminating minor negative states that are ‘always present
The course is comprised of slides and audio as well as video of Matt Barnett talking about the process and demonstrating aspects of it.
Included in the course is a Script to assist you in using the technique with other people and reference is made to how to use the technique with yourself as well.

The course is structured in such a way as to layer and represent key information so that it is easily absorbed.

You can take this course and you may find that you could go through the entire course in a day and by studying this course, you will learn another way to take control of your thinking and your life and of course you will learn a great skill for helping other people as well. Which is always a good thing.

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