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Examen 70-413: Conception et implémentation d

Examen 70-413: Conception et implémentation d'une infrastructure serveur

Prix: $89.99

celui de Microsoft 70-413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure certification exam tests the candidates’ abilities to plan, design and deploy a physical or virtual Windows Server infrastructure. This preparatory course will enable the students to pass the exam as well as enhance their skills on the Microsoft Windows Server. The topics covered in this course are comprehensive and teach the students to automate the server installation processes in a physical or virtual environment. De plus, other related topics such as DHCP, VPN, DirectAccess and IPAM are also covered in detail.

This Microsoft Windows Server course enables the students in designing and implementing a server infrastructure along with establishing a secure remote access solution. The course provides hands-on practice to put the students on the path to become a Server Infrastructure expert and also prepare the -students to undertake the Microsoft’s 70-413 examen de certification.

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