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Prix: $19.99

Dans ce cours, you’ll learn the very steps that highly productive people use to stay focused and get more done.

You will learn the importance of setting goals, minimizing distractions, and even taking breaks.

You will learn that we are the ones in control over our time, not the clock, and that we can actually get things done based on a schedule of our own choosing.

Sujets couverts:

  • 4 Ways To Use Technology Productively

  • 5 Tips For Staying Focused

  • 5 Tips For Staying Focused Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

  • 5 Ways For Staying Mindful And Focused

  • Creating A Work Ritual To Get You Focused

  • How To Create The Perfect Environment For Staying Focused

  • How To Train Your Brain To Stay Focused

  • Should You Single-Task or Multi-Task?

  • The Best Work-Break Ratio According To Science

  • What You Do During Your Free Time Determines Your Productivity

Concentrer is so important because it is the gateway to all thinking: la perception, Mémoire, apprentissage, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Without good se concentrer, all aspects of your ability to think will suffer. … Here’s a simple reality: if you can’t se concentrer effectivement, you can’t think effectively.

What is the power of focus?

le Power Of Focus is the mental discipline to se concentrer on tasks with undivided attention. En d'autres termes, son focusing on tasks without distractions to complete them with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency.

How do you build focus?

  1. Train your brain. Playing certain types of games can help you get better at concentrating. …

  2. Get your game on. Brain games may not be the only type of game that can help improve concentration. …

  3. Improve sleep. …

  4. Prenez le temps de faire de l'exercice. …

  5. Spend time in nature. …

  6. Give meditation a try. …

  7. Prendre une pause. …

  8. Listen to music.

Et bien plus…

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