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Gestion des services informatiques (ITSM) avec ISO/CEI 20000:2018-Partie 1

Gestion des services informatiques (ITSM) avec ISO/CEI 20000:2018-Partie 1

Prix: $94.99

Course Objective:

−key information and concepts for IT service management based on ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018.

−builds the fundamental skills and knowledge enabling one to participate in organizational teams working within service management.

−emphasis is on the service management system and service management processes, Plus précisément, the core concepts and

−basic terminology of IT service management based on ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018.

−provide an overall understanding of ITSM service management and ISO/IEC 20000:2018 la norme, cadre, requirements for anyone involved in defining, Planification, audit, implementing, or managing a service management system (SMS).

Description du cours: If you want to deliver excellent service to your customer then this course is for you. Every organization wants to add value to customers. ISO/CEI 20000:2018-1 makes it easy by providing a baseline of what exactly needs to do. It specifies the requirements for an SMS, including how to plan, conception, transition, delivers, and improve services so they deliver value for you and your customers.

By attending this course you’ll learn about the ISO/IEC 20000:2018-1 requirements and how to interpret and apply the key concepts and principles of the standard to existing processes or build a process within your organization.

When some people find ITIL4 is complex to implement, ISO/IEC20000:2018 is easy to understand and implement. toutefois, if you have an understanding and knowledge of ITIL 4, Governance and management framework, it will complement your learning to a great extend.

La structure du cours suit les exigences de la norme et comprend:

introduction: What is ISO/IEC 20000:2018-1, Who uses ISO/IEC 20000-1, and the basic structure of ISO/IEC 20000-1.

3.1 Terms Specific to management System Standards; explain all 21 basic concepts related to service management standard which is required to understand. (•3.1.1 Audit, •3.1.2 Competence, •3.1.3 Conformity, •3.1.4 Continual Improvement, •3.1.5 Corrective Action •3.1.6 Documented Information, •3.1.7Effectiveness, •3.1.8 Interested Party, •3.1.9 Management System, •3.1.10 Measurement, •3.1.11 Monitoring, •3.1.12 Nonconformity, •3.1.13 Objective, •3.1.14 Organization, •3.1.15 Outsource, •3.1.16 Performance, •3.1.17 Policy, •3.1.18 Process, •3.1.19 Requirement, •3.1.20 Risk, •3.1.21 Top Management)

3.2 Terms Specific Service Management: explain all 29 basic concepts of IT service management which is required to understand.

(•3.2.1 Asset, •3.2.2 Configuration Item, •3.2.3 Customer, •3.2.4 External Supplier, •3.2.5 Incident, •3.2.6 Information Security, •3.2.7 Information Security Incident, •3.2.8 Internal Supplier, •3.2.9 Known Error, •3.2.10 Problem,• •3.2.11 Procedure, •3.2.12 Record, nom, •3.2.14 Request for change, •3.2.15 Service, •3.2.16 Service Availability, •3.2.17 Service Catalogue, •3.2.18 Service Component, •3.2.19 Service Continuity, •3.2.20 Service level Management, •3.2.21 Service level Target, •3.2.22 Service Management, •3.2.23 Service Management System, •3.2.24 Service Provider, •3.2.25 Service Request, •3.2.26 Service Requirement, •3.2.27 Transition, •3.2.28 User, •3.2.29 value)

Contexte de l'organisation (Clause 4 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018)

– Un: Understanding the organization and its context

Two: Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

Three: Determining the scope of the service management system

– Quatre: Système de gestion des services

Direction (Clause 5 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018) –

-Direction & commitment


-Les rôles

-Responsibilities and Authorities

Planification (Clause 6 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018)

Risks and opportunities

Set up objective the Service management system

-And the service management plan.

Prise en charge du système de gestion des services (Clause 7 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018) –




-la communication

-documented information

-and the knowledge needed to facilitate the Service management system

Fonctionnement du système de gestion des services (Clause 8 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018)

Service portfolio,

-Relationship and agreement

-Supply and demand,

-Service design, construire et faire la transition,

-Resolution and fulfillment,

-Service assurance

Évaluation des performances (Clause 9 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018)

– Surveillance, la mesure, analyse et évaluation,

-Internal audits of the Service management system

-Management review

-Service Reporting

Amélioration (Clause 10 de l'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2018)

Nonconformities and corrective actions

-Continual improvement

Right Participants:

•ISO/IEC 20000:2018 training is intended for everyone playing a role or having an interest in IT service management. Specific roles could include:

•IT Managers

•business and supervisory staff

•team leaders

•service designers

•IT architects and/or planners

•IT consultants

•IT audit managers/auditors

•IT security managers/officers

•project/program managers

•Service Desk and support team members

•IT Operation people

•IT Process managers, praticiens

Veuillez noter: I am a non-native English speaker. Check my pronunciation, grammaire, teaching style before joining. There is also some low car horn in the background in few places which I did not able to remove. Please consider all these before purchase. If you use headphone, kindly use a noise cancellation headphone.

ISO/CEI 20000:2018 Part-1 document alone price 200 USD in Amazon. The full presentation deck is attached with this training. Enjoy the learning.

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