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Life Coaching Masterclass Certificate – Novice To Expert

Life Coaching Masterclass CertificateNovice To Expert

Prix: $94.99

Welcome to the Life Coaching Masterclass CertificateNovice To Expert.

Dans ce cours, you will be exploring numerous interesting topics that can take you from where you are to where you want to be. You will understand your brain from a different perspective that will help you achieve success as a life coach.

The topics to cover would include:

1) Dans ce cours, You Will Get To Learn Life Coaching From A-Z

2) Understand How To Become A Learning Machine Through Effective Speed Reading And Learning Concepts That You Will Learn And Apply

3) Become A Master Of Productivity And Time Management Through The 20+ Productivity Formulas Included In The Course

4) Access A Deep Level Of Intelligence And Creativity Through Proper Brainstorming Tactics, Mind Mapping Training, Et 15+ Applicable Formulas You Can Use

5) Explore The True Power And Potential Of Your Brain Through The Concepts Of Neuroplasticity And Neuro-Linguistic Programming

6) Gain The Ability To Rewire Your Brain And Take Control Of Your Thoughts, Habitudes, Feelings And Emotions

7) You Will Dive Deep Into The World Of Well-Being And Emotional Intelligence Where You Will Learn 26+ Formulas For Stability, Control And Emotional Intelligence

8) Become A Master Of Your Habits By Understanding, Controlling And Changing Habits The Way You Want To

9) Tu vas apprendre, COMPRENDRE ET APPLIQUER 9 Neuroplasticity Principle Pinnacles For Effective Brain Wiring Get Ready To Learn MORE THAN 50 Des systèmes cognitifs qui vous aideront à recâbler votre cerveau, Generate More Neurons And Neural Structures And Ensure An Optimal Neurological Health For Future Neural Structural Wiring.

10) Comprendre vos souvenirs et leur effet subliminal sur votre vie quotidienne – Apprenez à contrôler, Erase And Control Bad Memories

11) Apprenez à contrôler, Changez ou éliminez vos habitudes, Comportements conscients et subconscients, Et implémentez efficacement de nouveaux systèmes d'habitudes dans votre vie quotidienne

12) finalement, Learn How To Use The Power Of Marketing To Grow A Life Coaching Business Online

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