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Microsoft 70-485 Développement avancé d

Microsoft 70-485 Développement avancé d'applications Windows Store…

Prix: $94.99

Our Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C# course provides developers with the knowledge and decision making skills for utilizing C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 to develop Windows Store apps, discover and interact with devices, program user interaction and enhance user interfaces, manage data and security, and prepare for a solution deployment. This course provides credit towards the MCSD certification.

This course is designed for developers with two to five years of experience with C# and XAML applications, as well as experience with developing applications in accordance with Windows Store app guidelines.

The primary objectives of this course include:

  • Creating and consuming background tasks
  • Creating and consuming WinMD components
  • Media capture with camera and microphone
  • Gathering data from sensors
  • Enumerating and discovering device capabilities
  • Using contracts and charms to implement printing and Play
  • Implementing Windows Push Notification Service (WNS)
  • UI responsiveness
  • Animations and transitions
  • Creating custom controls
  • Designing Windows Store apps for globalization and localization
  • Data cache implementation
  • Saving and retrieving files from the file system
  • Securing app data
  • Designing and implementing trial functionality in an app
  • Designing for error handling
  • Test strategy design and implementation
  • Diagnostics and monitoring strategy design

Nous créons un programme de cours de la plus haute qualité possible, vous assurer de recevoir la formation et les connaissances nécessaires pour réussir.

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