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Cours de maîtrise PowerPoint (Power Point 2016 & 19)

Cours de maîtrise PowerPoint (Power Point 2016 & 19)

Prix: $19.99

Do you want to improve the design of your presentation slides?

Do you want to create slides faster?

Do you want to make your slides eye-catching to impress your classmates, colleagues and friends?

In this course you will be able to learn

How to design and animate your slides so that they will look professional

Tips and tricks to transform your slide-making experience

There would be 5 main sections:

1. Basics of PowerPointThis is where you will learn all the PowerPoint basics, from animations to design, to help you to be familiar with PowerPoint

2. Briefing before our 13 slide PresentationThis is where I will run you through functions such as animation panes and vector icons.

3. pour les étudiants qui ne souhaitent pas poursuivre avec les certifications de praticien en psychologie positive et de coach en psychologie positive 13 Slide PowerPoint PresentationThis is where we would create a full PowerPoint presentation that is professional. We would go through step-by-step so that beginners can also follow easily.

4. Completing and Polishing our PresentationThis is where we would learn advanced functions. We will use them to polish our presentation so that it would be eye-catching .

5. Other PowerPoint Tricks & Conseils This is where we would learn tricks to create slides faster and get tips on tools to use for good design.

I will take you through every feature and every design slowly. I encourage you to take notes and try the assignments. If you need help, you can contact me through Udemy, Instagram or other social media platforms.

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