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Planification et contrôle de projet par Microsoft Project

Planification et contrôle de projet par Microsoft Project

Prix: $19.99

Les problèmes et les opportunités sont des facteurs externes inévitables pour chaque organisation au fil du temps.. Parfois, la capacité de production du produit est insuffisante, parfois l'entreprise a besoin d'un nouveau logiciel, et parfois, la tentative de concurrents puissants d’entrer sur le marché peut entraîner des changements dans l’organisation et les stratégies de votre entreprise.. Objectif contre de tels changements; mettre en œuvre les dispositions que l’organisation peut maintenir dans les plus brefs délais. Les projets sont généralement créés dans ce sens et au moins un responsable est affecté à chaque projet.

Qu'est-ce que la gestion de projet?

Tout d'abord, il faut répondre à “ce qui n'est pas” gestion de projet. La gestion de projet n'est pas qu'un planning. Avec la popularité croissante des orthographes chronophages, many people think that if they buy such software and start using it, they do project management. But they do not know how to use all the features of that software, nor do they know how to implement the data provided by the software.

It should be noted that computer software is actually blank papers and forms. The important thing is that these software should be used with the methods offered by Project Management Science. Par exemple, a person who does not know the rules in the accounting system, no matter how good an accounting program he / she gets, will not be able to use that software effectively.

Project Management is the process of programming the available resources in the most efficient way and controlling the project activities in order to reach the performance, cost and time targets. These three objectives can be achieved through efficient and effective use of resources. There are limited resources in every organization. Failure to establish the workloads of resources correctly may cause projects to fail.

Contributions of Microsoft Project to Project Management

Microsoft Project offers a project manager the ability to quickly plan, reliably check and analyze their available resources quickly. en outre, MS Project will offer the opportunity to minimize conflict situations caused by multiple project applications within the company.

Learning Goals

Gestion des investissements, participants will learn to use the Microsoft Project program. It is aimed to increase the success of managing their projects more efficiently and achieving the goals of the projects they manage.

Résultats d'apprentissage

The information learned by the participants will be evaluated as follows with performance oriented activities:

Dans ce cours, which will be carried out in the form of a workshop, using the case analysis to be given to the participants, the competencies of the participants to use Microsoft Project will be evaluated. Case studies cover the planning, execution, and monitoring and control stages of projects.

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