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Compétences d

Compétences d'étude pour l'étudiant et l'apprenant tout au long de la vie

Prix: $94.99

As a master teacher and lover of education, I have spent many years in the classroom as both a teacher and student. What we educators have learned through experience as well as a large amount of empirical research is that there are study skills and strategies that make all the difference between being an average and an excellent student.

Perhaps more importantly, improving as a student through the use of these strategies will make you ENJOY THE LEARNING PROCESS MORE tandis que achieving better results.

In this course YOU WILL LEARN:

1. Comment identify your specific learning style or styles

2. Comment increase your GPA through proven study strategies and tactics

3. Comment increase your test scores through proven study strategies and tactics

4. Comment enjoy school more so that you will become a lifelong learner while achieving high scores and grades

5. Apprendre any subject plus rapide

6. Rappelles toi what you’ve learned plus long

7. Enjoy the learning process beaucoup plus (we enjoy what we’re good at!)

8. Comment apply these skills to life in general to help make you a happier, more fulfilled person!

Don’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity to improve your life by improving your study skills!

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