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The Secrets of Your Mind & Méditation

The Secrets of Your Mind & Méditation

Prix: $44.99

Are you interested in learning more about Meditation but don’t know where to start?

Are you too busy to travel, so are looking for something you can do in your own time at your own pace?

Are you looking for a something different from the masses of Meditation courses flooding the marketsomething deeper, something that transmits the original, authentic teachings and techniques but in a modern, simple and engaging way?

Are you looking for something so powerful that it can completely transform your life?

ensuite The Secrets of Your Mind & Méditation course is for you



Ajarn Sitang is a master teacher who has practised meditation and mindfulness since she was a child growing up in Bangkok, Thaïlande. After finally deciding to teach all she knows, at the request of her friends (who later also became her students!), Ajarn Sitang developed the Awakeness programme, a holistic and fully integrated system of Meditation, pleine conscience, Santé & Decoding, and started teaching it to others in Asia. After recently relocating to the UK, she has continued to teach this system and has helped hundreds of people to experience a taste of True Happiness.

Pour la première fois, this course is now available online!



In this content-packed course, you’ll learn how to meditate properly in the original façon — the way in which it’s still taught in Thailand and South East Asiabut through a lens fit for understanding 21st century living, and in a way that responds to the needs of our busy and often stressful modern lives.. Using an easy-to-understand, relaxed, humorous, dynamic, engaging and media-rich method, Ajarn Sitang will guide you step-by-step through the beginning of an incredible journey that has the potential to completely transform your life.

You will start the course by gaining some powerful insights into the true nature and power of the human mind, and will begin to explore the answers to two crucial questions that we don’t normally think to ask: ‘Why do we do what we do et ‘Why do we believe what we believe

You will learn about some of the fascinating science behind the incredible effects of meditation on the brain and body, and understand more fully about the extraordinary benefits a regular meditation practice creates for your personal life, your professional life and the lives of those around you. Vous apprendrez également à overcome potential barriers to developing a great meditation practice.

After providing you with the background, Ajarn Sitang will lead you carefully through the correct method for ‘Tranquility Meditation’, as well as share with you other powerful techniques, tel que ‘The Magic Breath’ et ‘Secret Mini-Meditations’, so that you can meditate correctly and with confidence, and begin to experience immediately the incredible effects for yourself.

Please click on the ‘PREVIEW button at the top right of this screen to see a small sample collection of highlights from this course.

We hope to see you inside!


It is advised that all the sessions are watched back-to-back, initialement. Après ça, it is advised that they are all watched again in sequence, but with each session being watched once per week over consecutive weeks. Séances 1 et 2 can be watched together in the first week, then sessions, 3, 4 et 5, can be watched, one per week, over the next three weeks. The idea is that the skills from one session are practised consistently throughout that week until the next session, at which point the practice will deepen and another layer of understanding and practice added.


‘The Secret of Mindfulnesscourse will be available by the end of April, 2019.

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