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Le guide de carrière ultime – CV, l

Le guide de carrière ultime – CV, l'image de marque, Entrevue + PLUS

Prix: $19.99

Hello Dear Friend,

Would you like me to hand you a detailed guide for landing your dream job?

If you want to learn how to hack job interviews, take initiative and progress in your career, this is probably the most important course you will take.

Here’s why….

As a professional recruiter and career consultant, plus de 70% of my time is spent interviewing and advising candidates and job seekers to help connect them to their dream job. Le reste 30% of my time is spent consulting with companies and clients to better understand the type of people they want to hire.

I have conducted hundreds of candidate interviews and helped many people land their dream job already. Malheureusement, with the pandemic and recession leading to companies downsizing and many people losing their jobs, the number of candidates reaching out to me for career advice and potential career opportunities has doubled. This is why I have created this course to help you.

After finishing this course you will

  • Develop a winning mindset and become more confident in your abilities

  • Be able to create an eye-catching resume

  • Understand how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) travail

  • Know how to market and sell yourself

  • Be emotionally intelligent and learn how to present your best self

  • Improve your communication skills in an interview

  • Build soft skills to stand out

  • Be able to make a strong first impression during interviews

  • Handle tricky and challenging questions during interviews

  • Handle salary negotiations conversations & more….

I have just outlined some of the core areas of this course and I encourage you to go ahead and check out the full list of topics yourself. Également, I want you to see the real value of this course before making any financial and time investment. This is why I have included several free videos you can watch RIGHT NOW.

Have a wonderful day!


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