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Hacks de gestion du temps pour vous rendre incroyablement productif

Hacks de gestion du temps pour vous rendre incroyablement productif

Prix: $89.99

I’m frequently asked about productivity.

My clients are often desperate to be more self-disciplined, less “lazy” (their word, not mine), and want to know how to get more work done in less time.

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you wear so many hats and have so many things to do, it often seems overwhelming.

Par conséquent, some just give up, while other work non-stop, perpetually feeling like they’re drowning.

Alors, I created this course that offers several strategies that you can easily implement so that you can stop feeling lazy, start getting more accomplished, et, Par conséquent, increase your income.

“An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.”

Roy Ash, co-founder of Litton Industries

Does this describe you?

It describes the majority of entrepreneurs out there.

So tell me, how quickly are you learning to chew what you’ve bitten off?

There are only 24 hours in every day, 168 hours in a week and 365 days in a year.

As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably realized this more than you ever wanted to.

You likely have tons to do and the tasks never seem to end.

Everyone has the same amount of time – it’s what you DO with that time that makes the difference.

There are three key components we going to cover in this course:

1 – Time Management and Effectiveness

2 – Personal Development – Strengths, knowing yourself, and perpetual growth

3 – Having a life outside of the business (keeping your eyes on the prize)

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