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les fenêtres 10 Utilisateur final pour les débutants

les fenêtres 10 Utilisateur final pour les débutants

Prix: $39.99

les fenêtres 10 has become now one of the most used operating systems across the globe, using this course you will be one of those that advance Windows 10 end using. Here is what you will find and learn using this course :
1- Prepare for install requirements : You will learn how to download Windows 10 ISO image for free, then burn it on a CD/USB disk and check Windows 10 requirements on your PC/Laptop
2- Sujets d'examen Questions incluses 10 on your machine either as your main operating system or on your existing operating system as a virtual machine. Starting from inserting the CD/USB disk till you got your desktop with a detailed explanation
3- Perform post-install configuration according to your needs, there is a detailed explanation about Desktop, Start Menu, Cortana, Taskbar & Action Center and how to use and customize each of them
4- You will learn how to configure network, connect to a network, send/receive files to/from other devices and establish Remote Desktop Connection which is a tool that allows you to connect and control your PC/laptop from other devices
5- You will learn how to extend or shrink your hard disk drives spaces, also how to create a new drive or delete existed one
6- You will be able to install/uninstall programs, set your default apps, set startup apps. A detailed explanation of how to use Microsoft trusted applications like Mail, Microsoft Store & OneDrive cloud
7- Monitor and evaluate Windows performance using Task Manager
8- A detailed explanation of all Windows settings : Système, Devices, Accounts, Intimité, Sécurité & Mises à jour….ETC

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