सक्रिय निर्देशिका: Deploying and managing certificates
कीमत: $89.99
After designing and deploying the certification authority (सीए) hierarchy, it is very important to design certificate templates properly, define certificate usage, and implement backup and recovery techniques for certificates.
इस मॉड्यूल में, you will learn how to deploy and manage certificates, configure certificate templates, and manage the enrollment process. इसके साथ - साथ, you will learn about using certificates in business environments and about deploying and managing smart cards.
After completing this module, तुम कर पाओ गे:
· Deploy and manage certificate templates.
· Manage certificate deployment, revocation, और पुनर्प्राप्ति.
· Use certificates in a business environment.
· Implement and manage smart cards.
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