अभी पंजीकरण करें

लॉग इन करें

पासवर्ड खो गया

आपका पासवर्ड खो गया है? कृपया अपना पूरा ईमेल दर्ज करें. आपको एक लिंक प्राप्त होगा और आप ईमेल के माध्यम से एक नया पासवर्ड बनाएंगे.

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पोस्ट जोड़ने के लिए आपको लॉगिन करना होगा .

प्रश्न जोड़ें

प्रश्न पूछने के लिए आपको लॉगिन करना होगा.

लॉग इन करें

अभी पंजीकरण करें

स्कॉलरसार्क.कॉम में आपका स्वागत है! आपका पंजीकरण आपको इस प्लेटफॉर्म की अधिक सुविधाओं का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देगा. आप सवाल पूछ सकते हैं, योगदान दें या उत्तर दें, अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं के प्रोफ़ाइल देखें और बहुत कुछ. अभी पंजीकरण करें!

AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies Associate Exam Prep-2021

AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies Associate Exam Prep-2021

कीमत: $39.99

A completely fresh AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies Exam Preparation course. Latest update as of January 2021.

इस अभ्यास परीक्षण पाठ्यक्रम में शामिल हैं 6 tests which includes 422 प्रशन.

This course provides Q&A for AZ-303 exam, based on the entire Azure Architect syllabus.

The exam Q&A contains different question patterns: Multiple Choice – Single Answer, Multiple Choice – Multiple Answer, Hotspot Questions, Drag and Drop and Case Study. Here we have included the screenshots of Hotspot, Drag and Drop and case study questions.

This course will definitely meet your expectations and you can expect this course to be updated frequently as Microsoft changes the exam requirements over time. Enroll now and be prepared to take the exam.

एमएक्स ओपीसी सर्वर डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें:

They should have broad knowledge of IT operations, including networking, वर्चुअलाइजेशन, पहचान, सुरक्षा, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platform, budgeting, और शासन. Azure Solution Architects use the Azure Portal and as they become more adept they use the Command Line Interface. Candidates must have expert-level skills in Azure administration and have experience with Azure development processes and Devops processes.

लक्षित दर्शक:

  • IT Professionals with expertise in designing and implementing solutions running on Microsoft Azure.

  • Those who are eager to clear AZ-303 exam.

  • Technical architects who want to learn more about designing for the cloud.

The test covers:

Deploy and Configure Infrastructure

Implement Workloads and Security

Create and Deploy Apps

Implement Authentication and Secure Data

Develop for the Cloud

Through this real test Q&A you can prepare for real exam and can easily clear the exam.

You will have lifetime access to this practice test, which will be updated with latest exam Q&A in the interval of one month.

To get job opportunities in the cloud domain, update your Azure Architect skills and increase the employability rate. Challenge your peers in the IT Industry with Azure Architect skills.

Looking forward to see you inside the course.


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