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LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions — MATLAB

यदि आप ढूंढ रहे हैं LinkedIn skill assessment answers तथा प्रशन - मतलब, Arduino के साथ हैंड्स-ऑन रोबोटिक्स. इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में, I will share with you some of the most common and challenging questions that you may encounter in the MATLAB skill assessment test, along with the correct answers and explanations.

This will help you prepare for the test and boost your chances of getting a high score. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in मतलब, you will find this post useful and informative. Read on to learn more about the LinkedIn skill assessment answers तथा प्रशन - मतलब.

Q1. From what distribution does the rand() function return value?

  • normal
  • poisson
  • binomial
  • वर्दी

Q2. Based on the code below, c is the _ of a.

a = rand(1, 11);
b = sort(a);
c = b(1, ceil(end/2));
  • तरीका
  • अर्थ
  • अंतर

Q3. What does the Profiler track?

  • execution time
  • command history
  • त्रुटियाँ
  • the value of variables


Q4. Which code block contains the correct syntax for a while कुंडली?

a = 0;
    a = a + 1;
while a < 5
  • बी
a = 0;
while(a < 5)
    a = a + 1;
  • सी
a = 0;
while a < 5:
    a = a + 1;
  • डी
a = 0;
while a < 5
    a = a + 1;

Q5. What does b रोकना?

a =
    19    20    12     0     6
     6     9    56     0     3
    46     8     9     8    19
     9     8     8    19    46
     1     9    46     6    19
b =

    56     0
     9     8
  • बी
b =

     8    19
    19    46

Q6. You have written a function myfun and want to measure how long it takes to run. Which code segment will return in t the time in seconds it takes myfun चलाने के लिए?

t = cputime(myfun());
  • सी
t = timer.stop;
  • डी
t = timer(myfun());

क्यू 7. क्या है %% used for?

  • argument placeholder
  • block quotes
  • code sections
  • conversion specifier

क्यू 8. what is the . character NOT used for?

  • structure field access
  • a decimal point
  • cell array access
  • element-wise operations

प्रश्न 9. Which function could you use for multiple linear regression?

  • polyval
  • regress
  • solve
  • polyfit

प्र10. For which of these arrays do mean, median, तथा mode return the same value?

  • [0 1 1 1 2]
  • [1 3 5 5 6]
  • [0 1 1 1 1]
  • [0 0 5 5 5]

प्रश्न 11. You are in the middle of a long MATLAB session where you have performed many analyses and made many plots. You run the following commands, yet a figure window doesn’t pop up on the top of your screen with your plot. What might be the issue?

x = [-1:0.1:1];
y = X.^2;
plot(x, y)
  • Your plot doesn’t plot in a figure window because figure was not called immediately in advance.
  • तुम्हारी plot syntax is incorrect.
  • Your plot is in a figure window that was already open, hidden behind other windows on your screen.
  • Your plot was saved to an image file but not displayed.

प्र12. How do you access the value for the field name in structure S?

  • एस[‘name’]
  • S.name
  • एस(‘name’)
  • एस{‘name’}

प्रश्न 13. What built-in definition does i have?

  • basic imaginary unit
  • index function
  • infinity
  • index variable

प्र14. Which statement is equivalent to this for loop?

a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
b = zeros(size(a));
for i_row = 1:size(a, 1)
    for i_col = 1:size(a, 2)
        b(i_row, i_col) = a(i_row, i_col)^2;
  • b = a*a;
  • b = a.^2;
  • b = a^2;
  • b = pow2(ए);

प्रश्न 15. You have plotted values of cosine from -10 प्रति 10 and want to change the x-axis tick marks to every pi, से -3pi to 3pi. Which statement will do that?

  • xticks(-3pi:3.14:3pi)
  • xticks(-3pi:pi:3pi)
  • xticks(linespace(-3pi(), 3pi(), pi()))
  • xticks(linespace(-3pi, 3pi, pi)

प्र16. What is the value of c?

a = ones(1,3);
b = 1:3;
c = conv(a,b)
  • [-1 2 -1]
  • [1 3 6 5 3]
  • 6
  • [1 -2 1]

प्रश्न 17. Which function CANNOT be used to randomly sample data?

  • datasample
  • randi
  • resample
  • randperm

प्रश्न 18. Which choice is correct syntax for a switch कथन?

x = 7;
switch x
    case 2
        disp("not two");
  • बी
x = 7;
switch x :
    case 2
        disp("not two");
  • सी
x = 7;
switch x
    case 2
        disp("not two");
  • डी
x = 7;
switch x
    case 2
        disp("not two");

क्यू19. What is the result of this code?

a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
e = c / (~a - b == c - d);
  • गलती
  • बी
c =
  • सी
c =
  • डी
c =

प्र20. What is true of a handle class object?

  • When you pass a handle object to a function, a new object is made that is independent of the original.
  • All copies of handle objects refer to the same underlying object.
  • Handle object cannot reference one another.
  • Handle object do not have a default eq समारोह.

प्र21. Which choice has a different final result in f10 than the other three?

f10 = 1;
for i = 1:10
    f10 = f10 * i;
  • बी f10 = factorial(10)
  • सी
f10 = 1;
i = 1;
while i <= 10
    i   = i + 1;
    f10 = i * f10;
  • डी f10 = prod(1:10)

प्र22. Which choice will NOT give you a 5 एक्स 5 identity matrix?

a = rand(5);
round(a * inv(a))
  • बी diag(ones(5, 1))
  • सी identity(5)
  • डी eye(5)

प्र23. Which statement creates this structure?

dog =

      name: 'Bindy'
     breed: 'border collie'
    weight: 32
  • dog = struct('name', 'Bindy'; 'breed', 'border collie'; 'weight', 32);
  • बी
dog.name   = 'Bindy';
dog.breed  = 'border collie';
dog.weight = 32;
  • सी
dog = {
    'name'  : 'Bindy',
    'breed' : 'border collie',
    'weight': 32;
  • डी
dog('name')   = 'Bindy';
dog('breed')  = 'border collie';
dog('weight') = 32;

प्र24. my_func is a function as follows. What is the value of a at the end of the code beneath?

function a = my_func(a)
    a = a + 1;
a = 0;
for i = 1:3
a = my_func(a);
  • 4
  • 3
  • 0
  • 1

प्रश्न25. Which statement could create this cell array?

c = {["hello world"]} {1×1 cell} {["goodbye"]} {1×3 double}

  • c = {"hello world" {"hello"} "goodbye" [1 2 ]};
  • c = {"hello world" {"hello"} "goodbye" {[1 2 3]}};
  • c = {"hello world" {"hello"} "goodbye" [1 2 3]};
  • c = {"hello world" {"hello" "hello"} "goodbye" {[1 2 3]}};

प्र26. Which choice adds b to each row of a?

a = ones(4, 4);
b= [1 2 3 4];
  • a = a + reshape(बी, 4, 1);
  • a = a + b’;
  • a = a + repmat(बी, 4, 1);
  • a = a + [b b b b];

प्र27. Which choice replaces all as with oएस?

for i = 1:length(fruit)
    fruit{i}(fruit{i} == a) == o;
  • बी
for i = 1:length(fruit)
    fruit(i)(fruit(i) == 'a') == 'o';
  • सी
for i = 1:length(fruit)
    fruit{i}(fruit{i} == 'a') == 'o';
  • डी
for i = 1:length(fruit)
    fruit{i}(fruit{i} == 'a') == 'o';

प्रश्न 28. Which statement returns the roots for the polynomial x^2 + 2x - 4?

  • poly([1 2 -4])
  • solve(x^2 + 2एक्स – 4 == 0)
  • polyfit(x^2 + 2एक्स – 4 == 0)
  • जड़ों([1 2 -4])

प्र29. Which choice is the proper syntax to append a new elements a to the end of 1x 2 dimensional cell array C?

  • C = {C a};
  • C = cellcat(C a)
  • C = cat(2, {ए}, सी)
  • सी{end+1}=a

क्यू30. You have loaded a dataset of people’s heights into a 100 एक्स 1 array called height. Which statement will return a 100 एक्स 1 सरणी, sim_height, with values from a normal distribution with the same mean and variance as your height data?

  • sim_height = std(ऊंचाई) + अर्थ(ऊंचाई) * randn(100, 1);
  • sim_height = mean(ऊंचाई) + std(ऊंचाई) * randn(100, 1);
  • sim_height = randn(std(ऊंचाई), अर्थ(ऊंचाई), [100, 1]);
  • sim_height = randn(अर्थ(ऊंचाई), std(ऊंचाई), [100, 1]);

प्रश्न31. Which statement returns a cell array of the strings containingburger‘ से menu?

menu = {'hot dog' 'corn dog' 'regular burger' 'cheeseburger' 'veggie burger'}

  • मेन्यू{strfind(मेन्यू, ‘burger’)}
  • मेन्यू(strfind(मेन्यू, ‘burger’))
  • मेन्यू{रोकना(मेन्यू, ‘burger’)}
  • मेन्यू(रोकना(मेन्यू, ‘burger’))

प्र32. What is the set of possible values that a may contain?

a      = randi(10, [1, 10]);
a(3)   = 11;
a(a>2) = 12;
  • 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • 1, 2, 12
  • 2, 11, 12
  • 1, 12

प्रश्न 33. Which statement is true about the sparse matrices?

  • आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं sparse function to remove empty cells from cell array variables.
  • Sparse matrices always use less memory than their associated full matrices.
  • Mixtures of sparse and full matrices can be combined in all of MATLAB’s built-in arithmetic operations.
  • NS sparse function requires its input to be a full matrix with at least 50% zero elements.

प्रश्न34. Which statement using logical indices will result in an error?

a = 1:10;

  • b = a(a ~= 11)
  • b = a(a == 1)
  • b = a(ए>6 && ए<9)
  • b = a(ए | 1)

क्यू35. Which statement turns menu into the variable menu_string नीचे?

menu = {'hot dog' 'corn dog' 'regular burger' 'cheeseburger' 'veggie burger'}
menu_string =
    'hot dog
     corn dog
     regular burger
     veggie burger'
  • menu_string = cell2mat(join(मेन्यू, newline))
  • menu_string = cell2mat(join(मेन्यू, ‘\n’))
  • menu_string = join(मेन्यू, newline)
  • menu_string = cell2mat(pad(मेन्यू))

प्र36. Which code snippet sets a new random seed based on the current time and saves the current settings of the random number generator?

  • rng_settings_curr = rng('shuffle');
  • बी
rng_settings_curr = rng();
  • सी rng_settings_curr = rand('shuffle');
  • डी
rng_settings_curr = rng();

प्रश्न37. You have a matrix data in which each column is mono audio recording from a room in your house. You’ve noticed that each column has a very different mean and when you plot them all on the same graph, the spread across the y axis make it impossible to see anything. You want to subtract the mean from each column. Which code block will accomplish this?

  • data_nomean = data - repmat(median(data), size(data, 1), 1);
  • data_nomean = bsxfun(@minus, data, mean(data));
  • .
data_nomean = zeros(size(data));
for i = 1:size(data, 1)
    data_nomean(i, :) = data(i, :) - mean(data(i, :));
  • . data_nomean = zscore(data');

प्रश्न 38. Which code block results in an array b containing the mean values of each array within C?

  • .
b = zeros(1, size(C, 2));
for i_C = 1:size(C, 2)
    b(i_C) = mean(C(i_C));
  • . b = cellfun(@mean, C);
  • .
b = zeros(1, size(C, 1));
for i_C = 1:size(C, 1)
    b(i_C) = mean(C{i_C}(:));
  • . b = cellfun(@(m) mean(m(:)), C)

प्र39. Which statement creates a logical array that is 1 if the element in passwords contains a digit and 0 if it does not?

passwords = {'abcd' '1234' 'qwerty' 'love1'};

  • रोकना(पासवर्ड, ‘\d’)
  • ~isempty(regexp(पासवर्डों, ‘\d’))
  • cellfun(@(एक्स) ~isempty(regexp(एक्स, ‘\d’)), पासवर्डों)
  • regexp(पासवर्डों, ‘\d’)

क्यू40. Which is NOT a function that adds text to a plot?

  • शीर्षक
  • मूलपाठ
  • label
  • legend

प्र41. Which code block most likely produced this graph?

MatLab Q39

  • ­
x = rand(10,10);
r = corrcoef(x);
  • ­
x = rand(10,10);
r = corrcoef(x);

प्र42. What kind of files are stored with the .mat extension?

  • figure files
  • script files
  • function files
  • stored variable files

प्रश्न 43. You would like to randomly reorder every element in array a and put the result into another array b. Which code is NOT necessary to do that?

a = 1:10;

  • : b = a(randi(10, 1, 10));
  • :
m = perms(a);
i = randi(factorial(10), 1);
b = a(m(i, :))
  • :
[s, j] = sort(rand(10, 1));
b      = a(i);
  • :
b = a(randperm(10));

प्रश्न 44. Which statement returns 1 (सच)?

a = 'stand'
b = "stand"
  • a == b
  • ischar(बी)
  • लंबाई(ए) == length(बी)
  • कक्षा(ए) == class(बी)

क्यू45. Which does E contain?

C = {'dog' 'cat' 'mouse'}
D = {'cow' 'piranha' 'mouse'}
E = setdiff(C,D)
  • E = {‘cat’} {‘dog’}
  • E = {‘mouse’}
  • E = {‘cat’} {‘cow’} {‘dog’} {‘piranha’}
  • E =

प्र46. Where in the UI can you see what variables have been created, their values, and their class?

  • Editor
  • command window
  • विवरण
  • workspace

प्रश्न 47. Given the following x and y coordinates, which choice calculates a linear regression for the x and y coordinates, and which plots the points of the x,y data and the regression line on the same graph?

x = 9.0646 6.4362 7.8266 8.3945 5.6135 4.8186 2.8862 10.9311 1.1908 3.2586
y = 15.4357 11.0923 14.1417 14.9506 8.7687 8.0416 5.1662 20.5005 1.0978
  • :
coeff_line = polyfit(x,y,1)
x_line = floor(min(x)):0.1:ceil(max(x));
y_line = polyval(coeff_line,x_line)

figure; plot(x,y,'o')
hold on
  • :

coeff_line = polyfit(x,y,1);
x_line = floor(min(x)):0.1:ceil(max(x));
y_line = polyval(coeff_line,x_line);
  • :

coeff_line = polyfit(x,y,1);
x_line = floor(min(x)):0.1:ceil(max(x));
y_line = polyval(coeff_line,x_line);
hold on; plot(x_line,y_line)
  • :
coeff_line = polyfit(x,y,1);
x_line = floor(min(x)):0.1:ceil(max(x));
y_line = polyval(coeff_line,x_line);

figure; plot(x,y,'o')
hold on

प्रश्न 48. If you run this piece of code, you will get an error. आप अभी भी आधे घर में नहीं हैं?

a = [0 1 2 3; 4 5 6 7];
a = a^2;
  • You are attempting to multiply a non-square matrix by itself, causing a dimension mismatch.
  • MATLAB does not allow you to square all the elements in the matrix in a single operation.
  • You must use the ** operator instead of the ^ operator.
  • You cannot square matrices that have a 0 as the first element.

प्र49. Which command will create a 10-element vector v with values from 1 प्रति 10?

  • v = {1:10}
  • v = [1-10]
  • v = 1:10
  • v = (10)

क्यू50. एक के लिए 5 एक्स 5 सरणी, the two subscript index (4,2) indexes the same location as linear index ___.

  • 7
  • 8
  • 17
  • 9

प्रश्न51. What is a difference between global variable and persistent variables?

  • Global variables have a higher performance overhead than persistent variables.
  • Global variables remain in memory after clear all; persistent variables do not.
  • Global variables can be used to cache data in memory; persistent variables cannot.
  • Global variables are accessible outside the function scope; persistent variables are not.

प्रश्न52. How is the random seed for MATLAB’s random number generator first initializedin a MATLAB Session?

  • Seed is undefined until it is initialized by the user.
  • Seed is set to a value based on the current time when user first calls rand()
  • Seed is set to a value based on the current time on startup.
  • Seed is set to a static default value on startup.


प्रश्न53. At what will MATLAB look first for a called function?

  • functions on the path
  • built-in functions
  • functions within the current file
  • functions within the current directory


प्रश्न54. Which choice is the correct syntax for declaring a function that returns the input value as the output?

  • :
function mystery_func(a) :
    return a
  • :
function b = mystery_func(a)
    b = a;
  • :
def b = mystery_func(a)
    b = a;
  • :
function mystery_func(a)
    b = a;
    return b;


प्रश्न55. What is the state of a at the end of this code?

a = [1 2; 3 4];
b = a(:,2);
c = b + 3;
a(1:2,1) = c;
  • :
a =
    6   3
    7   4
  • :
a =
    5   2
    7   4
  • :
a =
  • :
a =


प्रश्न56. You’ve just plotted some data and want to change the color behind the lines you’ve plotted to black. Which code block will accomplish this?

  • h_f = figure; set(h_f,'Color', [0 0 0]);
  • h_a = gca; set(h_a,'Color', [0 0 0]);
  • h_a = axes; set(h_a,'Color', [0 0 0]);
  • h_f = gcf; set(h_a,'Color', [0 0 0]);

प्रश्न57. Which statement will return all the odd numbers from 1 प्रति 9?

  • 2*[1:5]+1
  • 1:2:9
  • isodd(1:9)
  • 1:odd:9

प्र 58. In MATLAB, NS imfilter command performs a convolution operation between an image and a matrix. Suppose you have an image loaded in MATLAB into the variable img and you apply the following code. The original image appears slightly blurred because the convolution smoothed out the image (removed noise). Why do you think this happened?

h = ones(5,5)/25;
  • h is a Gaussian filter that adds to 1. Its intended effect is to highlight image edges.
  • h is an averaging filter uniformly distributed that adds to 1. Its intended effect is to smooth out images (remove noise).
  • h is a Laplacian filter that adds up to 0. Its intended effect is to smooth out images (remove noise).
  • imfilter is a function that always blurs the images.

प्रश्न59. What is the size of b?

a = [1 2 3];
b = repmat(a,2,3);
  • 1×3
  • 3×2
  • 2×3
  • 2×9

क्यू 60. Which statement reverses vector a?

a = [ 1 2 3 4];
  • reverse(ए)
  • ए(रट टू डेथ:- 1:1)
  • rev(ए)
  • ए(::-1)

प्रश्न 61. Which command will create a column vector with the values 7, 8, तथा 9?

  • c = [7,8,9]
  • c = [7: 8: 9]
  • c = [7; 8; 9]
  • c = [7 8 9]

प्रश्न 62. What do you call in the आज्ञा window to see all the variables in the workspace and their classes?

  • who
  • vars
  • whos
  • who all

प्रश्न 63. You wrote a new function named snap in an m-file and when you call it, you’re not getting the output you expect. You previously wrote a different function named snap, which you think might also be on the search path. Which command can you use to see if the old snap function is being called?

  • कौन
  • कौन
  • lookfor
  • क्या

प्रश्न 64. What is a reason to save a MAT-file using the -v7.3 flag?

  • to ensure backward compatibility
  • to avoid HDF5 overhead in MAT-file
  • to include a variable greater that 2GB
  • to use compression by default

प्रश्न 65. Which choice cannot add a directory to the search path?

  • NS पथ समारोह
  • NS savepath समारोह
  • का उपयोग करते हुए Set Path में पर्यावरण मेन्यू
  • NS addpath समारोह


प्रश्न 66. Which is not a function to plot three-dimensional data?

  • mesh
  • surf
  • contour
  • ग्रिड


प्रश्न 67. What is the reason to save a MAT-file using the v-7.3 flag?

  • to use compression by default
  • to ensure backward compatibility
  • to include a variable greater than 2GB
  • to avoid HDF5 overhead in MAT-file


प्रश्न 68. This graph could be the result of which block of code?

MatLab Q41

  • a = randn(1,1000); histogram(a) ylabel('counts')
  • a = rand(1,1000); histogram(a) ylabel('counts')
  • a = randi(1,1000); histogram(a) ylabel('counts')
  • a = rng(1,1000); histogram(a) ylabel('counts')

प्रश्न 69. What is a key difference between && तथा &?

  • && is a logical operator and & is not.
  • && is always slower than &
  • && employs short-circuiting behavior and & नहीं करता.
  • && is a bitwise operator and & is not.


क्यू 70. What is the result of this code?

s="abcd"; s(3)='x'
  • abxd
  • abxd
  • a 1x 3 string array
  • a run-time error

प्र71. In which case would you use varargin in a function you write?

  • You want to count the number of input arguments.
  • You want to include optional input arguments.
  • You want the workspace variable names of the input arguments.
  • You want the data types of the input arguments.

प्र72. What does e contain?

c = [9 8 0];
d = [0 0 1];
e = union(c,d);
  • e = [0 0 1 9 8 0]
  • e = [9 8 0 0 0 1]
  • e = [0 1 8 9]
  • e = [1 8 9]

प्रश्न 73. What does this function print?

a = 1;
for i_loop = 1:6
  • :
  • :
1 1 1 1 1 1
  • :
  • :
nothing will print

प्रश्न 74. You are debugging a function and have set a breaipoint on the line before the error occurs. You look at the variable values and suspect the cause of the error is that a is 9 but should be 10. The next statement after the breakpoint will use a. Wigh action would help you test if a=10 solves the problem?

  • प्रकार “a=10;” into the function file, before the statement that’s throwing an error. Then click the Run button in the debugger window.
  • प्रकार “a=10; जारी रखना;” into the command window
  • प्रकार “a=10;” into the command window. Then click the Run button in the debugger window
  • प्रकार “a=10;” into the function file, before the statement that’s throwing an error. Then type “वापस करना;” into the command window

प्रश्न 75. Which statement returns the character array ‘alone’?

b = ['stand' 'alone'];
  • बी(7:11)
  • बी(2)
  • बी(6:रट टू डेथ)
  • बी(1,2)

प्रश्न 76. Which statement returns the character array ‘alone’?

c = {rand(20,10) rand(23,2) rand(14,5)}
  • :
  b = cellfun(@(m) mean(m(:)), C
  • :
b = zeros(1, size(C,1);
    for i_C = 1:size(C,1)
        b(1_C) = mean(C{i_C}(:));
  • :
b = cellfun(@mean, C)
  • :
b = zeros(1, size(C,2);
    for i_C = 1:size(C,2)
        b(1_C) = mean(C(i_C));

प्र77. Which choice uses the proper syntax for an if else कथन?

  • :
if (a > 1):
    b = 2;
    b = 3;
  • :
if (a > 1){
    b = 2;
} else{
    b = 3;
  • :
if (a > 1)
    b = 2;
    b = 3;
  • :
if (a > 1)
    b = 2;
    b = 3;


प्रश्न 78. What does b contain?

a = [9 8 8 19 6 1 9 6 6 19];
b = unique(a);
  • b = [1 6 8 9 19]
  • b = [1 6 8 9]
  • b = [1 6 6 6 8 8 9 9 19 19]
  • b = [1 6 6 8 8 9]


  • हेलेन बस्सी

    नमस्ते, I'm Helena, एक ब्लॉग लेखक जिसे शिक्षा क्षेत्र में ज्ञानवर्धक सामग्री पोस्ट करने का शौक है. मेरा मानना ​​है कि शिक्षा व्यक्तिगत और सामाजिक विकास की कुंजी है, और मैं अपने ज्ञान और अनुभव को सभी उम्र और पृष्ठभूमि के शिक्षार्थियों के साथ साझा करना चाहता हूं. मेरे ब्लॉग पर, आपको सीखने की रणनीतियों जैसे विषयों पर लेख मिलेंगे, ऑनलाइन शिक्षा, व्यवसायिक नीति, और अधिक. मैं अपने पाठकों की प्रतिक्रिया और सुझावों का भी स्वागत करता हूं, इसलिए बेझिझक एक टिप्पणी छोड़ें या किसी भी समय मुझसे संपर्क करें. मुझे आशा है कि आपको मेरा ब्लॉग पढ़ने में आनंद आएगा और यह उपयोगी और प्रेरणादायक लगेगा.

    सभी पोस्ट देखें

के बारे में हेलेन बस्सी

नमस्ते, I'm Helena, एक ब्लॉग लेखक जिसे शिक्षा क्षेत्र में ज्ञानवर्धक सामग्री पोस्ट करने का शौक है. मेरा मानना ​​है कि शिक्षा व्यक्तिगत और सामाजिक विकास की कुंजी है, और मैं अपने ज्ञान और अनुभव को सभी उम्र और पृष्ठभूमि के शिक्षार्थियों के साथ साझा करना चाहता हूं. मेरे ब्लॉग पर, आपको सीखने की रणनीतियों जैसे विषयों पर लेख मिलेंगे, ऑनलाइन शिक्षा, व्यवसायिक नीति, और अधिक. मैं अपने पाठकों की प्रतिक्रिया और सुझावों का भी स्वागत करता हूं, इसलिए बेझिझक एक टिप्पणी छोड़ें या किसी भी समय मुझसे संपर्क करें. मुझे आशा है कि आपको मेरा ब्लॉग पढ़ने में आनंद आएगा और यह उपयोगी और प्रेरणादायक लगेगा.

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