Practical Machine Learning: Real World Projects,मामले का अध्ययन
कीमत: $59.99
In this tutorial, you will discover how to develop and evaluate a model for the imbalanced adult income classification dataset.
After completing this tutorial, you will know:
How to load and explore the dataset and generate ideas for data preparation and model selection.
How to systematically evaluate a suite of machine learning models with a robust test harness.
How to fit a final model and use it to predict class labels for specific cases.
Many binary classification tasks do not have an equal number of examples from each class, उदाहरण के लिए:. the class distribution is skewed or imbalanced.
A popular example is the adult income dataset that involves predicting personal income levels as above or below $50,000 per year based on personal details such as relationship and education level. There are many more cases of incomes less than $50K than above $50K, although the skew is not severe.
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