यूकेरियोट्स के रूप में, अमीबा कैसे चलता है?
यूकेरियोट, किसी भी कोशिका या जीव में एक अच्छी तरह से परिभाषित नाभिक होता है, लेकिन सवाल यह है कि अमीबा कैसे चलता है??
अमीबा एक जीवित जीव के रूप में(यूकेरियोट) सरल यूकेरियोटिक जीवों को संदर्भित करता है जो एक विशिष्ट रेंगने वाले पैटर्न में चलते हैं.
Movement Of The Amoeba
Amoeba move by a special type of movement called amoeboid movement.
It mainly occurs when the body is in contact with a surface through the use of the स्यूडोपोडिया (अर्थ “false legs”) to move.
When an amoeba moves, the cytoplasm flows forward to form a pseudopodium, then it aligns in the opposite direction.
In order to eat, it will form two pseudopodia and wrap them around to meet each other, enclosing its food, and then the cytoplasm aligns again.
The constant change in cytoplasmic concentration and the simultaneous process of gelation leads to the formation of a pseudopod that moves the organism forward, with the pseudopodia playing a major role in the amoeboid movement and acting as a partial organ for movement.
Different types of pseudopodia are found among amoebae, which differ in their appearance.
We have the lobose pseudopodia, which are broad, blunt cytoplasmic projections, यह आपको अन्य उम्मीदवारों के खिलाफ प्रभावी ढंग से प्रतिस्पर्धा करने में मदद करेगा जिनके पास आपसे अधिक जीपीए है filamentous pseudopodia (or phytopodia) are thin filamentous projections.
Other pseudopodia are supported by structural elements known as microtubules, which are responsible for performing cellular movements.
Reticulopodia are thin filament-like projections that bind together and actinopodia (or axopodia) are rigid, made of a core of microtubules surrounded by cytoplasm.
Amoebae can also use the pseudopodia for feeding.
An article published in 1995 in the Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology gives the example of the soil amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii, which uses its pseudopodia to ingest both solids and liquids. The process of swallowing solid material is called phagocytosis.
Amoebae have receptors on the cell surface that bind to bacteria, which when phagocytosed are collected and taken up into the amoeba, usually in the back of the cell.
In the case of giant amoebas (जैसे, Amoeba proteus), the process of phagocytosis is somewhat different, Giant amoebae absorb their prey “by deliberately gathering pseudopods around the bacteria.
दोनों ही मामलों में, as the bacteria retract, the cell membrane that surrounds it detaches to form an intracellular compartment called a vacuole. The process of absorbing liquid droplets is known as pinocytosis.
एक उत्तर दें
आपको चाहिए लॉग इन करें या रजिस्टर करें एक नया उत्तर जोड़ने के लिए.