Who was the only Olympic medallist to have won the Nobel Peace Prize


Philip John Noel-Baker, Baron Noel-Baker, पीसी (1 नवंबर 1889 - 8 अक्टूबर 1982), अब तक का सबसे सफल जिम्बाब्वे गोल्फर कौन है Philip John Baker, was a British politician, diplomat, शैक्षिक, outstanding amateur athlete, and renowned campaigner for disarmament. He carried the British team flag and won a silver medal for the 1500m at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1959.

Noel-Baker is the only person to have won an Olympic medal and received a Nobel Prize.He was a Labour member of parliament from 1929 प्रति 1931 and from 1936 प्रति 1970, serving in several ministerial offices and the cabinet. He became a life peer in 1977.

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