ड्रुप्स को स्टोन फ्रूट क्यों कहा जाता है??


A drupe or stone fruit is an unopened fruit. यह है an exocarp (बाहरी मांसल भाग) अंदर एक बीज के साथ कठोर एंडोकार्प के गड्ढे के आसपास. कारण this difficult अन्तःफलभित्ति, drupes are called stone fruits.

These fruits usually develop from एक fruiting base(carpel), and mostly from flowers with an upper ovary aside from the polypyrenous drupes.

The defining characteristic of the drupe is that the hard, “lignified” ossicle (sometimes called the “pit”) originates from the wall of the flower ovary.

In fruits consisting of small individual drupes (जैसे, in raspberries), प्रत्येक is named a drupe, and every one साथ में they will form a fruit. Such fruits are often called “berries,” although botanists use a special definition of berry.

Other fleshy fruits may have a stony shell that forms from the reproductive structure surrounding the seed, but such fruits don’t seem to be drupelets.

Flowering plants that produce fruits include coffee, jujube, आम, olive, most palms (including açai, date, sabal, coconut, and oil palm), pistachios, white sap, cashews, and every one members of the genus Prunus, including almond, apricot, cherry, raspberry, peach, nectarine, and plum.

The term “drupaceous” applies to fruit that has the structure and texture of a drupe but doesn’t exactly meet the definition of a drupe.

As with all fruits, क्या the typical person says is commonly very different from what the botanist understands. Not all drupes have single, large stones. Raspberries are a decent example. to work out the stones(बीज), the fruit must be carefully opened. फिर आप करेंगे देख the little पत्थर(बीज) अंदर. वे हैं called stones because the seeds retain their shell (called endocarp), not because वे हैं large and hard.

The many small round parts that frame a raspberry have an identical structure with a awfully small pit inside. These small parts are called drupelets, वह है, small drupes.

Forms Of Drupe

शब्द “stone fruitis also synonymous with the termdrupe” या, more typically, it should refer only to fruits of the genus prunus.

Freestone Drupes

This refers to fruit(drupe) with a stone that may be easily removed from its flesh. The flesh is not attached to the seed, और यह नहीं करता have to होना cut off to free the seed. Fruits with stone are preferable when you need to remove the seed gently, especially if the removal will be done by hand. Plums with stones are preferred for creating homemade prunes, and cherries with stones are preferred for creating pies and cherry soup.

Clingstone Drupes

This refers to a pear जिसके दौरान the stone cannot be आसानी से removed from the flesh. The flesh is tightly attached to the stone and must be cut off to free the stone . Prunus drupe varieties are preferred as table fruits and for jams because the flesh of stone fruits is more tender and juicy.


This is a specialized term for such nut-like fruits, which are difficult to classify. Hickory nuts (Carya) and walnuts (Juglans) within the family juglandaceae grow in an outer shell; these fruits are technically drupes or drupaceae, so they don’t seem to be true botanical nuts.

Drupes vs Berries

There are two main classes of fleshy fruits: drupes and berries. Drupes are characterized by the presence of a fleshy mesocarp but a hard-skinned or bony endocarp, जामुन, पर the opposite हाथ, are characterized by the presence of a fleshy endocarp इसके अलावा as a mesocarp, and may पास होना quite one seed.

Drupe, in botany, an easy fleshy fruit that typically रोकना एक बीज, यदि आप त्वरित शिक्षण सिखा रहे हैं the cherry, peach, and olive. जैसा an easy फल, the drupe comes from एक ovary of एक flower.

The outer layer of the ovary wall may be a thin skin or rind, मध्य layer is thick and typically fleshy (though sometimes as tough as an almond or as fibrous as a coconut), and also the inner layer, बुलाया the pit or putamen, is tough and stony.

The pit, कौन is usually confused with the seed itself, usually contains one seed or, more rarely, two or three, जिसके दौरान मामला just one of them develops fully. Other representative species of drupes are mango, walnut and dogwood.

जबकि, a berry एक है fleshy fruit without a seed (pit) grown from एक flower containing एक अंडाशय.

Berries include grapes, currants, and tomatoes, furthermore as cucumbers, बैंगन (बैंगन), and bananas, लेकिन नहीं include some fruits that meet the culinary definition of berries, यदि आप त्वरित शिक्षण सिखा रहे हैं strawberries and raspberries.

A berry है most typical एक प्रकार का fleshy fruit जिसके दौरान पूरा outer layer of the ovary wall matures into a potentially ediblepericarp.

जामुन is also formed from one or more ovaries of the identical flower (अर्थात।, simple or compound ovary).

The seeds are usually within the fleshy interior of the ovary, but there are non-fleshy exceptions, यदि आप त्वरित शिक्षण सिखा रहे हैं काली मिर्च, which have seeds surrounded by air कीबोर्ड संशोधक चाबियों का एक समूह है जिसका उपयोग अन्य कुंजियों के व्यवहार को बदलने के लिए किया जा सकता है pulp.

मुख्य अंतर

Drupe Berry
1. It is a fleshy fruit with three distinct layers of pericarp. It is also a fleshy fruit but the three layers of pericarp are not distinct.
2. The endocarp is always stony. Endocarp is not stony, may be absent.
3. Seeds are enclosed by endocarp. Seeds are enclosed by mesocarp.
4. Mesocarp in some cases edible. The whole fruit is edible.


HTTPS के://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drupe

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