अभी पंजीकरण करें

लॉग इन करें

पासवर्ड खो गया

आपका पासवर्ड खो गया है? कृपया अपना पूरा ईमेल दर्ज करें. आपको एक लिंक प्राप्त होगा और आप ईमेल के माध्यम से एक नया पासवर्ड बनाएंगे.

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प्रश्न पूछने के लिए आपको लॉगिन करना होगा.

लॉग इन करें

अभी पंजीकरण करें

स्कॉलरसार्क.कॉम में आपका स्वागत है! आपका पंजीकरण आपको इस प्लेटफॉर्म की अधिक सुविधाओं का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देगा. आप सवाल पूछ सकते हैं, योगदान दें या उत्तर दें, अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं के प्रोफ़ाइल देखें और बहुत कुछ. अभी पंजीकरण करें!

Secure VPS in Ubuntu 18.04 with Letsencrypt Nginx PHP MySQL

Secure VPS in Ubuntu 18.04 with Letsencrypt Nginx PHP MySQL

कीमत: $79.99

टिप्पणी!!! This course already has a new edition using Ubuntu 20.04 and much more content. Search for Secure VPS in Ubuntu 20.04: LetsEncrypt, Cloudflare and more

इसलिए, you want to publish all those projects on your own server, but do not know where to start? कुंआ, this course is what you need 🙂

Create and configure your Virtual Private Server (VPS), with a high-security rating, from scratch and step by step:
इस कोर्स में, you are going to create, configure and deploy your VPS server from scratch, set it correctly, with the adequate security measures and the most recommended mechanisms. Always use secure protocols such as एसएसएच to connect with your VPS and HTTPS to protect your websites and projects. Forget the insecure passwords, so you can establish secure connections with your server with the SSH protocol, without problems and achieve anything you need.

Deploy all your projects with your proper domain, साथ infinite possibilities, बिना किसी अतिरिक्त लागत के. Keep your own space in the cloud for all your jobs, projects and ideas, deploy all types of projects in the same instance and with the number of domains and sub-domains that you want, without having additional costs.

In the course, you will deploy four different projects का उपयोग करते हुए WordPress के तथा Laravel, each one in a different domain or sub-domain.

During the course is recommended to use DigitalOcean, but you are free to create your VPS with the provider you want or need. You can follow the course using any clean instance of Ubuntu 18.04LTS in your selected VPS provider. Everything will be done from scratch and step by step, without relying on additional services.

Install and deploy a complete system with Linux/Ubuntu 18.04, पीएचपी, Nginx तथा माई एसक्यूएल या MariaDB; in addition to obtaining security certificates in an automated way through Letsencrypt, all for free at no extra cost for your systems.

Why must you take this course?

  • Because it uses the most recent version of Ubuntu (उबंटू 18.04) which is a Long Term Support (LTS) संस्करण. This version allows you to obtain updates and security patches for at least two years, which means that you can deploy your system in Ubuntu 18.04LTS and you will not have to worry about moving to another version for a long time

  • Because there is not another online course which explains every step at this level of detail

  • Because Letsencrypt is a trend, and you will not find content that teaches you how to use it in the way it is done in this course (the correct and simple way)

  • Because the best standards are used to obtain the highest security rating (A+) in the sites that you ensure following the course

  • Because today, the main browsers are demanding secure HTTPS connections in any online site or service, and by following the course, you can secure all your systems for free using Nginx and Letsencrypt

  • Because you will learn to deploy two of the most popular types of projects in PHP, which are WordPress and Laravel sites

What will you learn and obtain by following and finishing the course?
इस कोर्स के अंत में, you will be able to deploy your VPS server in a very short time and with great ease, using powerful, innovative and safe tools. You will then have your projects online without additional charges, no matter how many domains, sub-domains or projects you put in your VPS, the cost will remain the same.

At the end of all classes, you will have all your projects under a completely secure server, साथ HTTPS/TLS connections completely free through Letsencrypt and with an A+ rating in the secured sites.

परंतु… What exactly will you learn?
Here you have everything you can get from this course:

  • Create your own VPS server with Digital Ocean or any provider you choose

  • Have a safe and friendly system with Linux / Ubuntu in its most recent LTS version (उबंटू 18.04)

  • Deploy an Nginx web server in a few minutes and with the best security settings

  • Deploy a MySQL or MariaDB database server wholly secure and without delay

  • Easily configure and use Git to deploy the different projects on your VPS via एसएसएच

  • Obtain external packages and install them globally (composer तथा Letsencrypt acme·sh as examples)

  • Create and configure your domain and all sub-domains, without having to pay extra

  • Point your domain to your VPS server by configuring the DNS entries

  • Connect to your VPS remotely, quickly and securely using SSH keys

  • Manage user accounts and prevent automated and external systems from accessing privileges (root)

  • Learn to use the essential commands (cd, systemctl, cp, sudo, और व्यक्ति का वेग है, rm, mkdir, reboot, और भी कई)

  • Learn how to manage VPS packages with apt आसानी से

  • Assign permissions on folders and files in the correct way with

  • Demand for the use of secure connections with SSH, and forget about insecure passwords for all the users

  • Create and handle users correctly with administrative permissions (sudo)

  • Deploy different WordPress and Laravel projects each in a different domain or sub-domain

  • Understand and take advantage of the use of SSH to connect to your VPS or external services

  • Connect with third party service through SSH keys correctly

  • Easily configure a firewall (UFW) and dramatically increase the security of your VPS

  • Configure your services (Nginx, पीएचपी, माई एसक्यूएल / MariaDB, आदि।) to make them more secure

  • Mitigate से तथा डीडीओएस attacks with proper configuration of the Nginx webserver

  • Prevent automated systems from trying to access your VPS, के माध्यम से Fail2Ban

  • Set expiration headers for your projects

  • Enable the Gzip compression system on your web server

  • Avoid स्क्रैच से फ्रंट-एंड वेब डेवलपमेंट सीखें/XSS attacks with Nginx

  • Get security certificates for HTTPS connections for your projects with Letsencrypt

  • Install the security certificates in Nginx correctly, to obtain the A + security rating

  • Use acme · sh to obtain and automate the installation of Letsencrypt security certificates

  • Creation and use of domains and all sub-domains that you require easily

  • How to quickly deploy any project in your VPS

  • How to deploy complex projects in the VPS (Laravel as a case of use)

And it does not end there! You will have lifetime access to all classes, which includes new future classes and upgrades. You will also have first-hand access to the system of questions, messages, and answers, where I will answer all your questions and comments immediately (I always respond). I will be pleased to help with any problem or doubt you have during the course.

Do not wait anymore. To learn all these skills click onरजिस्टर करेंand start feeling the freedom of having your own VPS.

I will see you in classes 🙂

के बारे में अर्कडमिन

उत्तर छोड़ दें