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Animazioni avanzate in PowerPoint

Animazioni avanzate in PowerPoint

Prezzo: $74.99

Learning how to make awesome videos is very important nowadays because video is the best mean to online marketing and selling.

Many people don’t know you could make extraordinary attractive videos using just a simple but very effective and powerful software called PowerPoint.

This course is aimed to make an expert out of you in using this software for creating intros, outros, motion graphics and generally embellish the presentations and videos you create.

Get to the next level in video creation with PowerPoint

  • Set precisely the timings for animations and transitions

  • Learn to use masks

  • Build awesome intros, outros and lower thirds

  • Create cool motion graphics

  • Develop wonderful display videos from scratch

  • Exercise your skills for producing great kinetic typography

Some powerful skills at your fingertips

There are very few detailed courses on advanced animations using PowerPoint for videos.

These animations are visually comparable with the ones made with much harder to learn software such as Adobe After Effects – but being made with PowerPoint – you’ll have the advantage of this intuitive, flexible and easy to learn software.

This course is perfect for anyone who creates video in PowerPoint at a beginner level, for branding, for marketing or selling or anyone who wants to take the ability of his video creation to the next level.

Contenuti e panoramica

The course has over 30 lezioni e oltre 3 hours of focused, no fluff content.

I designed this course to be 95% pratica, being completed with working files, with texts, photos, images and audio files. These will help you work alongside me to complete every lecture, because only by practising you’’ll become better and will have quick results.

My teaching style is to show you step by step how to do every task, as if you’re looking over my shoulder. This way you’ll see what almost nobody’s showing or explaining to you regarding the advanced animations you can develop in PowerPoint.

In this course you’ll learn to visually impress with the videos you’re doing with PowerPoint, videos you can offer as a service for others.

O, if you have a local business, you’ll be able to make professionally looking videos, that get more eyeballs on your business.

Don’t want to offer services and you don’t have a business? Nessun problema! Dopo aver terminato questo corso, you’ll be able to impress your colleagues, amici, parents or peers with the videos you’ll make by using these skills. Nobody will believe you’ve made them with PowerPoint!

Here’s what some of my students said after taking this course:

Finora, in questo corso, I’ve learned more PPT “trucchi” than in 3 other courses put togetherabsolutely brilliant!!

I loved this course Claudiu! It was very practical and showed the basics but then how tofancythings up to really look jazzy! There are times that I found it difficult to follow the timing aspects of the animations (which is arguably probably the hardest part to learn) secondo me. Penso che questo sia uno dei migliori corsi online per l'apprendimento di Terraform su AWS! I will be purchasing future courses from you I’m sure. Milla

This is a great course to get to using powerpoint quickly! I went through the course in a week, was very easy to follow and has increased my knowledge ten fold. Great job with the course! I will be purchasing other courses from this teacher, grazie!

Upon the completion of this course you’ll have the ability to create wonderful videos with PowerPoint, by using advanced animations and motion graphics and you’ll receive a verifiable Certificate of Completion.

In addition to this you will receive bonus material that will reinforce and improve the skills you’ve learned and there is also a 30 giorno 100% soddisfatti o rimborsati from Udemy in case you’re not satisfied with the course. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So… what are you waiting for? Take this course and let’s start!

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