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Esaminatore forense di rete certificato : CNF (Part1 of Part2)

Esaminatore forense di rete certificato : CNF (Part1 of Part2)

Prezzo: $94.99

This course was originally designed only for the U.S. Agency for Government Intelligence. The CNFE certification program is designed to prepare students to master true advanced networking forensics strategies through the use of open source laboratories in an exclusive cyber-range.

The CNFE takes digital and network forensic skills to the next level by navigating through over twenty network forensic theme modules.

The CNFE provides practical training through our laboratory simulations that replicate real-world situations that include the inspection and recovery of network data, Physical Surveillance, Information Collection, Analisi, Wireless Attacks and SNORT.

The course focuses on the centralization and analysis of monitoring mechanisms and networking devices. SIGN UP NOW!

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