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Analisi dei dati Real-World Projects in Python

Analisi dei dati Real-World Projects in Python

Prezzo: $19.99

This is the first course that gives hands-on Data Analysis Projects using Python..

Can you start right now?

A frequently asked question of Python Beginners is: “Do I need to become an expert in Python coding before I can start working on Data Analysis Projects?”

The clear answer is: “No!

  • You just require some Python Basics like data types, simple operations/operators, lists and numpy arrays that you can learn from my Free Python course ‘Basics Of Python

As a Summary, if you primarily want to use Python for Data Science or as a replacement for Excel, then this course is a perfect match!

Why should you take this Course?

  • It explains Projects on real Data and real-world Problems. No toy data! This is the simplest & best way to become a Data Analyst/Data Scientist

  • It shows and explains the full real-world Data. Starting with iomporting messy data, cleaning data, merging e concatenating dati, raggruppamento e aggregating dati, Exploratory Data Analysis through to preparing and processing data for Statistiche, Apprendimento automatico e Data Presentation.

  • Professionals who are exposed to data but can’t yet leverage its power

  • Product managers who want to make data-driven decisions

  • It gives you plenty of opportunities to practice and code on your own. Learning by doing.

  • In real-world projects, coding and the business side of things are equally important. This is probably the only course that teaches both: in-depth Python Coding e Big-Picture Thinking like How you can come up with a conclusion

  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: Altrimenti, get your money back with 30-Days-Money-Back-Guarantee.

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