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Impara Python 5 Ore

Impara Python 5 Ore

Prezzo: $89.99

Learn Python from the beginning and become proficient in 5 ore. Python is easy to learn and this course is hands-on with lots of practice task which allows you solidify your knowledge coding in Python.

Course Requirement or Prerequisites

This course does not require any prior knowledge or specific academic background. The only requirement is having a laptop or desktop computer. All applications necessary for learning the course would be downloaded free from the internet.

A chi è rivolto questo corso?

Anyone looking to learn Python quickly , efficiently from the beginning.

Anyone Looking into a career as Web Developer, Sviluppatore di software, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Analista di affari, Report Analyst, ETL Specialist, BI Consultant, Data Engineer or any Data related field, Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence.

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