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Master Agile Planning and Estimation | Agile techniques

Master Agile Planning and Estimation | Agile techniques

Prezzo: $99.99

Agile project planning is collaborative and involves the team in the planning and decision making process. For any agile project to be successful, project managers and team members alike must have a thorough understanding of estimation and planning tools and techniques. While the agile process is flexible and adapts itself to change, accurate and reliable planning is still possible within the framework of the agile metodologia.

This course in Agile Estimation and Planning will give you a solid base in agile iteration planning, and aid you in understanding various estimation tools that support iterative processes. Proper use of these tools and techniques will help accomplish tasks smoothly and complete the project successfully, with measurable savings on both time and resources.


• The purpose of planning

• How to estimate size and time requirements

• Units of estimation

• Techniques for estimating and planning (Planning poker, Affinity estimating, T-shirt sizing, Wideband Delphi, Bucket system …eccetera)

• Release and iteration planning

• Final tips and techniques


• Get an introduction to Agile methods

• Traditional planning and estimating vs the Agile methods

• How to implement Agile estimating and planning principles

• Master agile estimation techniques

• Learn the tips of successful estimation sessions

• Release and Iteration planning


Anyone involved in estimating or planning projects using Agile methodology, such as programmers, testers, project managers and members of delivery teams.

Alla fine del corso, you will be able to download useful excel templates to manage your Agile project.


E se non sei ancora sicuro, ecco la nostra promessa per te:

Questo corso viene fornito con un 30-giorno soddisfatti o rimborsati! Questo significa, se non sei completamente soddisfatto del tuo acquisto, I well give you a refund – no questions asked!

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Iscriviti oggi and get started learning the fundamentals of Agile estimating and planning.

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