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Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) R12 Project Essentials Exam

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) R12 Project Essentials Exam

Prezzo: $19.99

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) R12 Project Essentials test series | Exam Number: 1Z0-511

The Oracle E-Business Suite Project Certified Implementation Specialist is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation and expertise in implementing Oracle E-Business Suite Project solutions. This certification covers topics such as the fundamentals and implementation options of Project Foundation, Project Costing and Project Billing. You’ll become certified to use a solution that supports the full lifecycle of project and portfolio management with a single, accurate view of all project-related activities. Industry leading functionality allows users to select the best portfolio of initiatives, execute projects in adherence with methodologies, assign the right global resources, proactively streamline project delivery and track profitability via accurate budgeting, forecasting and billings/chargebacks.

Argomenti d'esame:

Project Foundation: Implementation Options

  • Configure System Implementation Options

  • Set up Currency Options

  • Describe the use and implementation of Periods and Calendars

  • Describe the use and functioning of People and Roles

  • Choose Project Structures

  • Describe the uses and implementation of Project Types and Project Templates

Project Foundation: Fondamenti

  • Explain Project and Task Fundamentals

  • Create Organizations

  • Use Rates

  • Describe the use and implementation of User Defined Attributes

  • Describe the use and implementation of Project and Organization Security

  • Integrate with other Oracle Applications

  • Describe the use and functioning of Organization Forecasting

Project Costing: Implementation Options

  • Define Expenditure and Revenue Categories

  • Define Expenditure Types

  • Describe the use and implementation of Transaction Controls

  • Perform Accounting for Costs: SLA vs AA

  • Describe the use and functioning of Transaction Sources

Project Costing: Fondamenti

  • Describe the use and implementation of Allocations

  • Utilize Cross Charges

  • Use Burden Costing

  • Set up Labor and Non-Labor Costing

  • Describe the use and functioning of Preapproved Expenditure Batches

  • Describe the use and implementation of Expenditure Adjustments

  • Utilize Cost Budgets

  • Explain Budgetary Controls and Budget Integration

  • Create Asset Capitalization

  • Integrate with other Applications

Project Billing: Implementation Options

  • Configure Multi Currency Billing

  • Perform Accounting for Revenue and Billing

  • Describe the use and functioning of Inter Project Billing

  • Set up Customer Billing Retention

  • Describe the use and functioning of Intercompany Billing

Project Billing: Fondamenti

  • Configure Agreements and Funding

  • Describe the purposes and implementation of Revenue Budgets

  • Use Projects Revenue

  • Perform Invoicing

  • Describe the use and implementation of Events

  • Set up Contract Projects

  • Describe the use and functioning of Billing Extensions

  • Integrate with other Applications

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